Find out the Arch Angel assigned to the day you were born?

Mar 25, 2006 00:16

Really you learn each day something new even it is not very useful. Never thought that Arch Angel Michael would have a sister. Shows that I don't believe in the christian church and that I am more of a (neo)pagan and only take and mix what I want for myself to believe in and to pray to, if at all.

Our Daily Angels

Find out the Arch Angel assigned to the day you were born?

You were born on a Tuesday and Camael is the ArchAngel assigned to the day of your birth.

Born: Tuesday
Presiding ArchAngel: Camael or Victoria, Sister of Michael
Assignation: Divine Justice
Daily Affirmation: "I am divine. I am Love."

Celestial Title: Angel of Love

Camael is fueled by your love and there is a sensation of powerful reciprocity that occurs in an exchange with this Archangel. Go to a place of worship be it at your church where angels are present, by the sea or at the light of your own altar. Share your devotion with him and he will in turn fill you with gratitude beyond belief.

Associations & Assignments

Like any entity charged with duties and responsibilities, Archangels have certain associations of creation that are engraved in the very fibers of their etheric being. They are handed specifics to govern. Its these assignments that bring them into this dimension where they can participate with us.

Celestial Order: Seraphim
Day: Watches over those born Tuesday
Chakra: Solar Plexus (3rd)
Color: Saffron
Planetary assignment: Ruler of the Planet Mars.
Main Issue: Personal power, Self will
Sense: Sight
Fragrances/Incense/Oils: Vetivert, Ylang ylang, Bergamot
Crystals: Aventurine quartz, Sunstone, Yellow citrine
Life Lesson: Self-esteem/self-confidence
Altar suggestions: a yellow handkerchief; a star shaped ornament or symbol; gold (jewelry, coin, tissue paper), a sun, a yellow taper candle; piece of Citrine for focusing on during self-esteem meditations; bowl containing goldfish, fresh yellow roses and of course, a Prayer Chest.
Our Daily Angels


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