(no subject)

Jul 28, 2008 16:51

So, Cape Cod is amazing. We're staying at the Cape Codder, just inside Hyannis. Last night's storm was pretty impressive. Thunder, lightning, sheets of rain, the works. Quite a show. We decamped in this mess and found ourselves considering going outside as little as possible. The hotel's attached restaurant, the Hearth and Kettle, was open, and we had a coupon, as we're staying at the hotel, so we went for it. Wonderful service, and great cocktails. We ended up forgetting the coupon in the hotel room, but we were starving and tired and it ended up being a non-issue after all.

We rented "The Great Mouse Detective" to watch, (after we found we'd forgotten the PS3's composite cord at home and only brought the HDMI) and I discovered I remembered pretty much all the words to "To Ratigan", which managed to impress Lauren.

This morning we went to beach, which was quite amazing. Of course, in the torrential rain over the last few days, I'd completely forgotten my sun gear. Natch. (Everyone forget something-- Kev forgot his flip-flops.) So, borrowing a pair of sunglasses and a visor, I played a little catch with Kev and Justine. As I went to trade my sunglasses for my regular pair, I looked down on the beach chair where I left them... and the frame as distorted and the lenses popped clean out. I was mortified, and quite completely astonished. After a moment, Lauren admitted she'd just sat in that chair, and apologized, quite embarrassed. I, on the other hand, took the moment to call work.

I'd called to grab the HR Help Line, in fact. Being another branch of Apple, they were on hand and extraordinarily kind. I'd explained I was an Apple Retail Employee on vacation and my glasses had shattered; I have benefits, but I don't know if I properly enrolled for vision or what. She asked for my info and said, "Ok, well, you've got Medical, so you automatically have Vision. You're covered by Vision Service Plan, and you just have to log on there and you can review all your benefits there. If you can find yourself an optometrist while you're there, it's a $10 co-pay for the exam, free single-vision, un-enhanced lenses, and frames worth $120, and whatever over that is out of pocket." Amazing. I love my company. Peace of mind, all from the beach.

So, after some shopping and walking around Main St., we get back and I look up a few in-network eye doctors around me and, lo and behold, there's one at the mall not a mile away from the hotel we're staying at. Double amazing.

We're chilling in the hotel room now, decompressing, reading, typing, napping. I'm headed to the game room shortly, and cocktails and dinner will be soon afterward. Marvelous day, interesting vacation.

No worries!
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