Oct 17, 2004 07:37
Saw a trailor that interested me greatly yesterday. From the creatures of the labrinth and the dark crystal and produced by jim henson! It's called the mirror mask, however; I think it's currently being created (i'm not sure though). It looked very...weird...^_^
My side is hurting again and this time, bad back pain as well. I think once we get terry's teeth removed, I'm going to go see a doctor again. I know i've gone and went and the last time the ultrasound came out clear...but the pain is real and doesn't seem to go away perminately. So something must be wrong. It's very worrisome. It even bothers me to the point where I have trouble getting to sleep, simply because no position is comfortable. It normally only hits me near the end of work, or after work. It's not like a shooting..needle pain. Just a deep...uncomfortable pain. That's the best way to describe it I guess. Wouldn't hurt to get a second opinion I suppose. Terry thinks it's my lung. It's underneath my ribcage..on the right side. That's all I know though. I don't have trouble breathing or anything so who knows.
bah, I need to diet. I'm gaining >.