Live Journal 25

Apr 19, 2024 21:47

1. LJ appeared in April 1999, the year when I…was 17 (going on 18, in December).  I was completely unaware of the site, however, being that I was a yahoo eGroups denizen (Gargoyles and Xena fandoms at that time).

2. As a child, I wanted to become a… veterinarian and a writer.  The latter I'm still working on (multiple head-injuries throughout my life derailed me a few times over, but I'm retraining my brain!).

3. My favorite school subject was…Bible studies.

4. The tune of my carefree youth is... Eye of the Tiger by Survivor.

5. Books (or an authors) that influenced me... William Shakespeare, Morgan Howell, Lillian O'Donnell, Melinda Metz, etc.

6. A city (or cities) I truly love... Dubrovnik, Old Town in Croatia. Juliette, Georgia USA.

7. I started an LJ blog many years ago, because I connect with fans of various other fandoms (Third Watch and Supernatural being the core ones initially), and also used it as a blog to try and process the mental health issues of my teens/twenties/thirties.

8. The catch phrase that nearest and dearest recognize me by…  'I can, but only on days that end with a Y.'

9. A movie I’m never tired to watch again... there's a lot, actually, but the core ones: Twelfth Night (1996 by Trevor Nunn), Source Code, Interstellar, Open Grave, Predestination.... and, ack, you know what, I'll just leave it with those, as if I continue I could almost write a novel that is just a list of movies I love (and most of them are scifi or time travel related).

10. When I was 25, I liked to…go for very long walks with my cats and my dog on the farm we lived on.

11. I can’t live a day without....cuddling my cats.

12. An LJ post I’d like to recommend to everyone…None I can think of right now as I haven't been on here in quite a while, sorry!

13. I’m proud of…myself, for growing from the angry young person I was in Livejournal when I first started out, and becoming a really empathetic, calm and happy person.

15. My favorite LJ blog(s)- Again I haven't been here in too long so I don't remember any off by heart :(

16. My favorite LJ community (-ies): Back in the day it was all the writing ones I had been a member of.

17. A dish (or a food product) I learned to like only as an adult... silverbeet and spinach.  I hated both as a child, quite enjoy it as an adult!

18. Within these 25 years I’ve visited… four towns/cities: Bluff, Christchurch, Dunedin and Queenstown here in NZ.

19. My favorite cure for sadness is… crawling under the covers with my cat and sleeping for an hour or two.

20. If I didn’t have to work, I’d... well actually I don't work currently, but I wish I had time and money do a tour of the south island of New Zealand, as novels I am plotting are largely set here.

21. My superpower is… photography.

22. A useful skill I’d like to teach younger generations is… how to be less angry.

23. If I could spend a day as an animal, that would be…a cat.

24. The way I’d like to grow old is.... living on a farm with rolling hills and my own private forest to walk through.  Lots of cats would be great, too!

25. I’m grateful to LJ for…allowing me a space for so many years of my youth to express myself and connect with so many awesome people.


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