(no subject)

Apr 10, 2006 15:33

Course selection time for next year!

A Term

Linear Algebra I
Applied Statistics I
Beginning Tennis

B Term

Physics IV
Math Modeling with Ordinary Diff Eqs
Numerical Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Systems

C Term

Advanced Calc I
Linear Algebra II
History of American Pop Music (Quit your laughing, it's the only music class that fits my schedule next year.)
Beginning Swimming

D Term

Advanced Calc II
Applied Statistics II
Personal Finance (Eh, everyone says it's easy, and I figure I'll need a break.)

I'll also have random phys ed classes in there.

So, I'm going to be busy with math next year. Thank goodness I have Xinjia for a roommate next year. ^_^

EDIT: Sweet, I actually got into all those classes, without getting waitlisted. Pretty lucky, especially with some of those phys ed classes...
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