Happy 21st birthday to
indorphin, and happy 18th birthday to me!!!
EDIT: Thanks, you guys are the best.
ferdanan1985: happy (almost) birthday!
ferdanan1985: goodnight birthday girl
ferdanan1985: enjoy being an adult!
RabidPieConsumer: 30 seconds!
RabidPieConsumer: 5
RabidPieConsumer: 4
RabidPieConsumer: 3
RabidPieConsumer: 2
RabidPieConsumer: 1
RabidPieConsumer: Happy Birthday!!! *hug*
specialk021087: nooooooooooooooooooooo
specialk021087: you cant be my age its mine!
(I'm taking that to mean "happy birthday".)
And Dave IMed me too, wishing me happy birthday in lots of pretty colors, but I accidentally closed the window. But thanks, Dave!
Note: BG = Bishop Guertin, his Catholic high school.
mathchica87: We should write a book on this religion and all this philosophy! "Chapter 1: Dr. Google, AIM, LJ, and You"
RabidPieConsumer: Hahahah.
RabidPieConsumer: Chapter 2: Proper dietary habits: Poutine, Moxie, Pie, and Burritos.
mathchica87: Chapter 3: Giggity Giggity Giggity!
RabidPieConsumer: Hahahaha.
RabidPieConsumer: Chapter 4: The 'Face/'Fest Theorum
mathchica87: Chapter 5: Allllll riiiight....
RabidPieConsumer: Chapter 6: OH!
mathchica87: Chapter 7: D'oh!
mathchica87: Chapter 9: Stwong Bad
RabidPieConsumer: Chapter 10: Can I have this hawf eaten bweakfast buwwito (see Chapter 2)?
mathchica87: HAHAHA!
RabidPieConsumer: Haha, this would make a serious kickass religious text.
mathchica87: Yeah, try publishing it and sending it to BG, to see if they'd use it in their religion classes.
RabidPieConsumer: Hahaha, BG would probably send me a cross and a midget to throw holy water on me and say "THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU TO STFU!"