SOS! Save the animals in RF (and in SNG). Фото и видео детям и слабонервным не смотреть!

Feb 16, 2012 10:39

Автор: Mikhail Novikov
фотографии в альбоме: 55 (Детям и слабонервным не смотреть!)

The mass murders and tortures of the animals in the RF. Save the animals in Russian Federation and SNG!

Ladies and gentlemen!

The awful tortures of the animals in the RF (and in the former Soviet republics (SNG)) are without any punishment.
 The reason is that the law (demanded by the society low) about a cruel treatment with the animals has not been accepted in RF. It was taken off from the voting in Russian Parliament by the President of RF V. Putin in 2008. The existing article 245 doesn’t work without such law (because of many unaccounted juridical nuances).
 Russia entered the European Council in 1996 without signing the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals

Please, see this video film. It is short.

 In the Saint-Petersburg region one of the inhabitants Rosa Vlasova (address: Tosno-district, village Krasniy Bor, ul. Vokzalnaya, 4) has been torturing and killing the dogs for 5 years. There were a number of journalist’s investigations (carried out by journalists of the newspaper «Smena» and TV-program «Novosty»). The articles and reports on this topic appeared. For more than 5 years inhabitants of the district and representatives of the society have applied to the militia-officials many times about this crime. But the militia-officials haven’t done any investigations of those facts and the criminal has not been punished. There are a number of witnesses, who declare that the dogs are tortured unthinkably: they are hung alive on hooks stabbed into thief throat, beaten cruelly (to make their flesh saturate the meat with blood for gaining a certain taste according to the Korean recipes), the skin stripped from alive animals (the easiest way to strip). Rosa murdered hundreds of dogs in such a way. (See the report of Maria Vaskova, photo Zamir Usmanov in the newspaper Smena 18.04.2005). Video and photos 2010.

Please, see this video film. It is short.

The awful tortures of the animals in the RF are without any punishment. The shooting of the animals in the RF and SNG is the most known method of the regulation of the homeless animals.
 The shooting is executed by the hunters-volunteers, service-men or militiamen according to the orders of the powers. To spare the cartridges the most part of the animals are killed by the knives, butts, spades and so on. The people who did it became the sadists very soon. There is no punishment for them in RF and SNG.

Please, see this video film. It is short. (video №2)

After the decision of the government of Saint-Petersburg V.Matvienko about the annihilation of the animals of the street the sadists decided to kill the animals. The criminals are unpunished for their crimes. This is one of the dogs, who were tortured but good people saved it. But the doctors couldn’t cure her legs. The dog was found hanging with throat cut (20.01.2011). Her legs were binding tightly by a wire.
 The lawlessness in Russian Federation is of such degree, that the criminals don’t hide their faces. They set this photo in Internet themselves. They are proud (see photo).

Please, see these video films. It is short. (video № 3, 4, 5)

You can see there situation as Russia is drowning in blood of suffering animals.
 In spite of this the minister of Justice Alexander Konovalov, after his appointment of the President RF Medvedev, plans to convey the article № 245 “cruel to the animals” from the Criminal codex of RF to the Administrative codex of RF.

The punishment according to the Administrative codex is only the payment for the damage. It means that the heaviest tortures and any murders of the inbreeding and homeless animals are unpunished in principle.

Ladies and gentlemen!
 Please! We ask you to show these facts in Germany and in the whole Europe.
 Add these photos and video films to your declarations.
 This way you will help suffering animals in Russia.
 We ask you to address to the President of RF D.A. Medvedev
 against this practice and to send these materials to the European Council:

Don't be heartless!
 God bless you.
 The President of the Imperial society of the protections to the animals of Saint-Petersburg
 The President of the Noble assembly of Saint-Petersburg
 Novikov Mikhail Borisovich

Ещё факты о преступлениях живодёров, петиции в России, Украине, Белоруссии /
Other facts about crimes of fleecers, petitions, etc. in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus: ​tag/fleecer

video, petition, живодёры, животные, statement, видео, fleecer, animals

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