(no subject)

Jun 10, 2007 22:33

One year ago today, Zoe was giving birth.

She doesn't miss it. Or the nine months before it. But when she lifts Naomi out of her crib in the morning with a "Hey there, birthday girl," she can't help but think, cliche as it is, that it was all worth it.

There are presents--a new dress, a somewhat-worn-from-rereading copy of The Cat in the Hat (courtesy of Matilda Wormwood), a baby dinosaur that's more or less harmless due to being stuffed--and a wave from Keane, Phoebe, and Annie. At dinner, along with a visit from Ace, there's cake, or, more precisely, cakes--one for the rest of the crew, and a small one that Naomi mostly smears all over her face and hands.

That night, Wash and Zoe put Naomi to bed together, and stand by the crib for a few moments.

"Pretty good day," Zoe comments.

"Yeah," Wash responds. "She's not old enough to want a pony yet. Let's enjoy that while we can."

Zoe chuckles at that, then leans down to smooth back Naomi's hair.

"Happy birthday, baobei."
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