Title Like the Shape of a Wave
earzwideopenRating PG-13 (with some language and one casual F-bomb)
Pairing/Genre Gen
Word-Count ~4700
Spoilers Through Season 3
Warnings Language, mild alcohol abuse, Dean in pretty dire straits health-wise
Summary AU. Sam and Dean find a loophole in Dean's crossroads deal that frees him from it. Per Sam's wishes, the
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Plus, you've got an amazing Sam and lovely banter ("what part of 'here comes the freaking airplane' does your mouth not understand?" might win the prize for my favorite line), and I genuinely got a bit emotional over the course of the whole thing, which is either a sign that I'm up too late and still not over three weeks of flus and colds, or a sign that you ( ... )
Oh well. I liked this very much. ♥
Sorry you haven't been feeling so hot lately! This flu season's a doozy. FLUIDS.
Oh rheumatic fever, you are usually a thing younger people get but I gave you to Dean because I'm diabolical.
ETA: also Lily I just reread this and it is still super duper excellent
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