Oct 21, 2008 21:45
Supplemental Education Service tutors Inc. HQ totally screwed me. I was supposed to be working as an SES tutor on mon. and wed. from now till school ends. I was to be with 5 middle school students and help them with language arts skills and/or math skills. Initially coming into this program, and in the group interview, we were told that hundreds of kids would participate in the program. Last year there were a hundred or so at all the middle schools. This year 6 kids came on the first day. We've been training and waiting for this to start since the end of August. Because I waited for this job the whole time I lost out on several other job opportunities because I did not realize that the SES people were going to over hire. Basically I'm fed up and bitter and that's why I quit. I'm trying to find other jobs right now, but it's not looking too good at the moment. fuck
Tomorrow I see Skarhead and bulldoze at Reggie's Rock club, that show should be interesting and awesome, but most definitely ignorant.
Everything, other than my job situation, has been going good. I've been chilling on my bike. It's been really fun. I'm trying to get in as much riding as possible before the winter rears it's shivering head. I plan on hitting up milwaukee a few times a week during the winter months.
Starting on friday, thursday for me, is my school's fall break. We get friday and monday off, I get thursday and tuesday off as well, because I don't have class on those days. It should be a long and interesting break. Besides seeing skarhead tomorrow night, I will most likely attend the fucked up, thought crusade show on the 23rd. We'll see. I just don't want to pay. Aside from those shows I have plans to ride the wheeling trails, and possibly the belmont trails downtown. For sure I will get out to wilson at some point before I come back sunday night in order to fulfill my voluntary 9-5 fill in shift in the office of residence life on monday. No one will be here. I'll probably walk around naked. At some point during the break I plan on buying some new shoes, maybe vox, vans, nikes, or even emericas. We'll see what happens. More importantly I will shred and hopefully see some friends.
Relationships, to me, lately, seem to be such a bad idea. I'm really into maximizing my free time. I feel that when I'm in a relationship I have no free time and therefore I'll never be able to ride my bike again. I know it's a little bit of an exaggeration. I feel like I'm getting enough attention from friends that are girls that I don't need anymore from some significant other. I'm not talking about getting laid or shit like that but, I like being around girls that are friends a lot and I don't need someone to make me feel bad when I forget that it was sweetest day or some shit. I like some girls, sometimes. I just feel like i'm maturing and that means that I am above relationships, but still below dating people. I hope I never get into that shit.
On a more serious note. I think I'm gonna vote for Nader. We'll see. He seems to be having a rough go of it.
I don't think anyone, I actually know that no one will ever understand what it's like to be me. I mean to say this with no specific tone. I just feel like there is so much fucked up shit that happens in my head. I'm not going to try to change my brain or fix it or do anything of that sort. Will I change certain things I'm conscious of? yea, but for the most part this is the only Adam you'll have to see know and hear. take that however you want to.
11% of my body mass is made up of fat.
100-11=89. 89% of my body is bloods
try to feed myself,
try to dress myself,
try to love myself,
how can you?
why would you?
I hope you will
you won't
you should
you can't
they pray
they hope
I realize
I hope
nothing is easy
everything is hard
for a fucking soul
my soulless blood
breathes me alive
I can do something
Adam Campos