Oct 29, 2007 23:51
So for my intro to literary studies class our second essay was assigned. For this essay we have many topics to choose from, some of which are male/female roles in society, and the price of conformity and rebellion. We also have a choice to form "a creative response to one of the works".
We got a bunch of poems as well as A Doll's House that we are to cover or have the options of covering. Long story still kinda long, I chose to form a creative response to A Doll's House, which deals with feminism. I like feminism. Here are two of my poems that i've done for this class. Criticize them, I appreciate most of your opinions and shit.
It’s a Man’s World
by: adam campos
Live your life to entertain; dance, agree, and please.
Your opinions mean shit, don’t interrupt,
be quiet and nod.
It’s a man’s world, and it hurts to know the truth.
Men can do whatever they want.
Take you whenever they want, it’s your duty to let them.
Force you to think a certain way.
Force you to act a certain way.
Inside they’re dying like a child from a brain aneurism,
they’re killing what they can’t be.
You are survived through the dreams they can’t achieve.
All these qualities are made womanly.
The total hate.
The nigger, the queer, the woman.
It’s a man’s world and that’s wrong.
She left for herself, for a life she finally realized she deserved.
He’ll never get it, it’s engrained is us boys, like our need to fuck.
That’s no excuse to control, to overpower, to rape, to steal a life
that doesn’t belong to us.
She stood out in defiance only to get what every human is required.
She stopped caring when she realized she got a raw deal.
If you’re forced to believe you have no right,
you need to seek your own truth.
She sought out her own truth and realized it was the absolute truth.
The woman’s right.
Step Out by adam campos
You can look how you want,
or you can look how they look.
It’s more than how they look, though,
it’s how they talk, act, demean,
hate, love, vote, pray, relax…
To be like them and like it, is to live a lie and know it.
A lie that has no reason, a reason that should be
coveted like they covet popularity.
To be like them you have to commit internal suicide.
Really, you have to destroy the individual inside you,
they did it, if you don’t get it, you’ll see.
Although, it is like dying internally, like stabbing your own back,
there is a way to come back from the dead.
Your true identity is never gone, tortured, hidden, neglected,
but never really gone.
In order to revive your true self,
you need to step back, and let them all march by.
You need to recognize that you belong to yourself.
The ridicule will hurt like the blade you forced into your own back,
but it will only hurt at first, then you’ll know,
you’ll know that you are not the mass, not the fucking crowd.
You’ll know that you’re different and you’ll be proud
because torment is thrown out when you cut the throat of suppression.
Suppression of your creativity, of your youth, of your passion.
You pay a bigger price by limiting yourself, you pay
a great price by shunning yourself, you pay the price for keeping quiet.
To be accepted by all is not always as good as being accepted by you.
They matter, but you should have the say, you are your own King,
not one of the many servants.
They can’t recognize that they’re not them.
You can see it, you can change it.
Step out of line, scream at them for taking part of you life away.
Just do it for you, do it for your survival, for your relief.
Wake up and fucking do it.