Apr 27, 2006 22:29
I got to the hospital at about 9, and apparently there is some kind of rare antibody in my blood that makes it hard to find a match. Lovely. So at approximately 1 o'clock, the blood bank finally found some blood that was workable, and they began by giving me Benadryl, intravenosly. Which proceeded to make me feel like death. Somewhat literally. I ended up breaking down and crying right there, I'm not really sure why, but it was all very stressful. And I kept telling them how terrible I felt and they just kept saying "It's just the Benadryl." It went away after maybe 5 or 10 minutes. And since it took so long to get the blood I needed and then another 3 hours or so (I really have no idea, I was really out of it for a good part of the transfusion) to actually get it all into my system, I get to go back again tomorrow. I'm terrified mostly of the needles and the Benadryl (which I guess they need to give me to protect me from anything minor in the blood that could irritate me.)
Then I have another fucking doctor's appointment at 12:15 tomorrow.
But, on the bright side, I do feel better. There is actually color in my cheeks. I had an appetite today, even. Also, I'm going to have fun this weekend because I'm going to see Ben and Ben always = fun.
Oh! Also, my laptop is broken. But I can't even think about letting myself care about that right now. I have a PC that works, even if it only has 64 mb of RAM (!!) and I can really only run 2 programs at once. I spend too much time online anyway.
I've been having really, really, really bad mood swings lately. Hopefully once all this medical bullshit blows over (I keep getting appointment after appointment. It's quite ridiculous.) I'll feel better. Hopefully.
And thank you everybody for leaving comments on my last entry. It's good to have friends (internet and real life) who care.
And also, seriously, don't worry about me. I'm freaking the fuck out but I hate medical stuff and hospitals and such. But people get blood transfusions all the time and there are so many worse things I could be suffering from.. it doesn't make this any less stressful but I just want to make it clear that I understand how much worse it could be.
Anyway, enough rambling, and to bed. Goodnight.