Nov 11, 2008 14:24
N and I are keen to teach Jack a second language. We would prefer to teach him spanish as it's kinda sorta my second language (as I'm half mexican).
We started teaching him his number from 1-10 and he's picked that up really quickly. So if we ask him to say your numbers from 1-10 in spanish, he knows exactly what we mean.
A month or so ago I purchased some spanish flashcards and I'm now properly working on those with Jack.
He can pull out the flashcard for cama (bed) from a scattered pile and arbol (tree) with me only asking him to find cama or arbol. He seems to be recognising casa, but it could possibly be a fluke.
He pulled out the flashcard for vaca (cow) and announced to me, "cow has a willy". He was pointing to the udders. Took a couple of minutes for me to convince him that they were indeed udders, and the cow was a mommy cow.
I cannot wait until I call my dad and let Jack speak to him in spanish. My dad will be so happy.
I'd like to teach Jack French too, but as it's similar to spanish with some words, I'm afraid I might confuse him!