
Dec 01, 2008 20:45

Jackson Rathbone's hair can get out of hand now and then.

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jackson rathbone

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wildcatlizzie December 2 2008, 03:03:43 UTC
It makes me so sad that Twilight managed to make his natural hair look *that* bad.


crumpeteer December 2 2008, 03:07:50 UTC
It, much like him, looked like they were about to bolt halfway through the movie.


wildcatlizzie December 2 2008, 03:10:25 UTC
Um... kinda in love with your icon. 'Cause of course one of the most ridiculous plot points in the book was the best put together scene in the movie.


crumpeteer December 2 2008, 03:18:14 UTC
His bat tap in that scene was my favorite part of the movie...which says a lot about me.


wildcatlizzie December 2 2008, 03:19:56 UTC
Hahaha. The m15m icons won't get old ever.


crumpeteer December 2 2008, 03:22:21 UTC
That was the scene where I and the person next to me were like "WHEN DID HE UNBUTTON THE SHIRT!?" It was just like SHABAM!SHIRTLESS.


wildcatlizzie December 2 2008, 03:24:32 UTC
He was turned away from her for, like, two seconds. Vampire speed? But I was okay with SHABAM!SHIRTLESS because my friends and I dissolved into fits of uncontrollable laughter. The sparkle was so bad. SO BAD.


crumpeteer December 2 2008, 03:34:51 UTC
The sparkle wasn't as bad for me as the bitch!fit he threw right after. Jeez, child.

In his defense, Pattinson looks like a pretty hot kisser.


wildcatlizzie December 2 2008, 03:38:20 UTC
Have you read the books? Edward is the whiniest emo bitch drama queen that ever drama-ed.

Shyeah. Not that the premarital underpants make out isn't hot, but when he kisses her neck at the prom kills me every. time.

This is so not writing the paper that I have due tomorrow.


crumpeteer December 2 2008, 03:50:31 UTC
I spent more time in the book being fascinated by how coy he was and how many different ways that Meyer could describe his looks as perfect.

Yeah, the neck kiss was almost better. Though I have to say I sort of like him being all aggressive. He does sexual repression disturbingly well though.


wildcatlizzie December 2 2008, 03:52:49 UTC
Meyer drives me nuts, honestly. I want BYU to take their English degree back.

Well, apparently he hasn't been on a date in what? Two years? I could be making that up, though.


crumpeteer December 2 2008, 04:03:20 UTC
LOL, that icon is fantastic.

Meyers is an awful writer. I've honestly read better fanfic. And don't get me started on how passive her female characters are.

He himself seems a bit awkward around girls (at least he gives me that impression) and I feel for him taking the brunt of insane fangirls. I have more favorite actors, but I certainly wouldn't kick him out of the bed for eating crackers. Especially when he kisses like THAT.


wildcatlizzie December 2 2008, 04:12:02 UTC
I actually got into Twilight fanfic because what I was reading online was 10 times better than what was published. Kristen's Bella was 500% less whiney and passive aggressive than Meyer's. It was fantastic.

He was so starstruck by Heidi Klum when he was on Leno last week. It was adorable. Yeah, I've definitely seen better (and hotter) actors, but I wouldn't say no. It's really the adorable that's roped me in. That and the fact that you never know what's going to come out of his mouth next.


crumpeteer December 2 2008, 04:24:00 UTC
It's like he has no filter from brain to mouth. He just sort of blurts and it's more cute than offensive like it could be. That's like I commented that I'd more be willing to be friends with him than want to jump him.

The jumping is reserved for OTHER actors.


wildcatlizzie December 2 2008, 04:25:02 UTC
Like Jensen Ackles.


crumpeteer December 2 2008, 04:27:03 UTC
And Misha. That might just be me, but I'd LOVE some angel food cake.


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