Someone deserves a spanking...

Aug 18, 2007 21:09

Gaspard Ulliel

I know, i know... it's a gif and all that but... it's the naughtiest thing i have in my arsenal.  What ISN'T naughty about Hannibal Lecter?  Blood licking has never been so hot...

Christian Bale

Okay... well... maybe it has... x)

Nathan Fillion

He aims to misbehave!  rofl.  i can't believe i just said that...

Hugh Grant and Colin Firth

lol.  Hugh Grant is naughty...

Matt Damon

*tsk* Getting muddy!  NAUGHTY!

Charlie Hunnam

Reaching... down... pants... Coherent... thoughts?  wha?

Leonardo DiCaprio

Riley Smith

You can cradle rob me anytime... ;)

Jorma Taccone - he's been around long since "Hot Rod"... i totally <3 him


Thomas Dekker

omg but he has naughty bedroom eyes... just looking at PICTURES of them make you think he's undressing you with his eyes...

Zac Efron

I'm not even a big Zac Efron fan and this picture renders me speechless... *guh*

Jake Gyllenhaal

Licking stamps with nudes on them?  Definitely naughty... x)

Josh Holloway - because no naughty picspam is complete without the "Lost" residential badass...

Jared Padalecki - who is so rarely a naughty boy... and yet... x)

Tying up helpless young ladies...


Ummmmmmm... *drool*

Huzzah for naughty bondage!

Bad Jared!  Jensen is not your own personal jungle gym!  x)

*snork*  There is DEFINITELY something kinky naughty about this picture.  It can't be just me... x)

Milo Ventimiglia

LOL.  x)

Mmmmgghhh don't put your hand THERE.

oooooh badassery!


Okay... scars are TOTALLY naughty...

Zachary Quinto - Sylar is the EPITOME of evil... and therefore the king of naughty... x)

... i don't <3 ONTD but... EVIL FACE!!!! <3


Jensen Ackles - for such a sweetheart Texas boy, there sure are a lot of naughty pictures of him... hehehe

Oh, yes... once again it's bondage FTW.

God those eyes... those eyes just make this entire picture naughty.  They scream "Do me."  and all i can say in response is "SURE."

Huzzah for orgasm faces... and vibrating beds... x)


hehehehehehehehe  Oh Dean...

um... ADORABLY CUTE naughty?


ummmmmmmm... threesomes are definitely naughty...

Ruttin' towels...

Definitely NOT dial-up friendly...

ETA: i forgot screencap credits!  The Heroes caps are by
just_katarin and the Supernatural caps are mostly from Oxoniensis Art.  :)

A tag for Jorma Taccone, plz!

riley smith, christian bale, matt damon, charlie hunnam, hugh grant, gaspard ulliel, jared padalecki, colin firth, josh holloway, jorma taccone, leonardo dicaprio, nathan fillion, jake gyllenhaal, jensen ackles, thomas dekker, zac efron, zachary quinto, milo ventimiglia

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