tv goodness

Mar 07, 2006 01:45

I intended to do a post last week, but didn't have the time.. So yay, I get to do the theme anyway! :D

a mighty fine mixture of pretty if I may say so :)

Some CSI love.
Eric Szmanda

Gary Douran

George Eads

William Petersen

credit to thephotobox

mmmmm, Josh Duhamel

(can't remember what site I found these at)

Chad Michael Murray

credit to pic_commune

and Hayden Christensen used to be on tv :)

credit to Desiring

Wentworth Miller

Dominic Purcell

credit to Wentworth Miller

under cut: eric szmanda, gary douran, george eads, william petersen, josh duhamel, chad michael murray, hayden christensen, wentworth miller, dominic purcell

chad michael murray, josh duhamel, eric szmanda, dominic purcell, wentworth miller, william petersen, gary dourdan, george eads, hayden christensen

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