40: Jennifer Lawrence (Elle photoshoot)

Jun 15, 2011 22:13

...Ended up not updating about my Europe trip at all, don't know if I'll ever stop feeling lazy and do a proper post, still haven't gif-ed the last two Leverage eps (AND IT RETURNS IN 11 DAYS! /squee), way behind on Fringe gifs (I'm sorry /o\)... BUT. NOW I COME BEARING GIFS.

FORTY GIFS OF JLAW'S ELLE PHOTOSHOOT! (video under the cut) She was ( Read more... )

jennifer lawrence

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Comments 10

modernelegance June 15 2011, 19:43:00 UTC
Mood Theme ♥


rightclick5ave June 16 2011, 15:43:38 UTC

... )


fragilesymphony June 15 2011, 21:06:41 UTC
These are beautiful! I adore her.


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rightclick5ave June 16 2011, 15:40:05 UTC
those are my favourite shots of her! crazy gorgeous ♥


kaiyalopez June 15 2011, 23:12:56 UTC


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rightclick5ave June 16 2011, 15:39:08 UTC
aw I'm sorry, my graphic-making skills only extend to gifs.. I'm hopeless at everything else! I did see an icon post of animated icons from her David Letterman interview but I got there from a link on ONTD, so I HA thank goodness for the 'search history' function. HERE!


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