16: Fringe 3x10 The Firefly

Feb 10, 2011 17:46

Happy CNY to whoever celebrates it!

Didn't realise how long I'd procrastinated on the gifs ._. and there aren't that many for this ep, but there'll be more for Reciprocity and Concentrate And Ask Again, when I finally get down to making them. School assignments and quizzes and deadlines are sapping my will to live......only the prospect of seeing Anna Torv in a new ep of Fringe every week is keeping me alive.

#1 Even her eyelashes are pretty.

#2 Yay, my second-favourite Fringe OTP! (first: Olivia/gun, duh)


The Observer (ilh!)


I love that the apron matches her turtleneck :D




Peter #1

Peter #2

Peter #3 (for those of you who like seeing Peter get hurt. tsk tsk)

Peter #4

Peter #5

#8 I breathe hard whenever I look at you too, Agent Dunham.

Walter/Roscoe ♥

Not much of a gifspam, I know. Um, bonus Anna and a goat?

Oxfam post here!

Random question: is anybody using the Fringe opening theme as their ringtone? I've been using the 1985 retro version ever since that ep ♥ (download here!)

++ Masterlist HERE
++ Credit not necessary; snag away!
++ Comments are ♥♥♥ :)
++ Feel free to friend for updates!


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