39: Warehouse 13 2x10 Where And When

Sep 18, 2010 04:38

asdfghjklfdgdjhkjklfsdgfhg THE LATEST EPISODE, YOU GUYS. I FLAILED SO HARD IT WAS KIND OF EMBARRASSING. EXCEPT THAT IT WASN'T, BECAUSE FLAILING OVER JAIME MURRAY/H.G. WELLS IS PERFECTLY LEGIT. But I'll leave the flailing and squeeing and shaking and crying about this week's ep for that gifspam. THIS EP IS ALL ABOUT ♥VEST APPRECIATION♥

"Do I make you nervous, darling?" What do you think? (lolmg I love this gif)

"I'm here!" Her enthusiasm is adorable :D

"I make her nervous."

"It's okay, there will be a period of adjustment. Although I have already earned a gold star." IDK, I REALLY LOVED THIS BIT ♥


"Let's not make a fuss."


Crossing her arms

Scratching her head (yeah, I really do think everything she does is adorable. HALPPPP)

"It means someone used my time machine."


*draws hearts all over*

Um, being cute.

"I thought it would be nice if we could spend some time together."

"You can't keep freezing me out because I supported Helena joining the warehouse."

"Artie, you're being childish."

pissed!Myka #1

pissed!Myka #2

"Helena has proven more than once that she has my back. I thought I'd proven that I had yours!"

Arms folded, twirling her hair, biting her lip :D

I only made this because I just wanted a Myka/H.G. gif in this entry :P

"Get your arse to Mars!"

Leaning forward


Pete/Myka :)

1961!Pete & 1961!Myka

Myka hitting Pete (it's not a W13 ep until this happens)


"The meanness..." "Jerk..." "...we have for each other..." "Hate...you..." LOL.

"Just remember, it's 1961. Women slap men when they get fresh."


"I am a capable woman! You are just a tape recorder!"



hnnnnngggg THAT VEST

Claudia looks like she has a crush on H.G. Because like, H.G.'s totally the cool senior in school that all the girls have a secret crush on.

"The ink with which our lives are inscribed is indelible." SWOON SWOON SWOON

"When I tracked them down, what I did to the men who killed my daughter..."

"...that's the most pain a person can go through."

asdfghjklsfdjghlkgfdjhkj THIS WOMAN. SO INTENSE.

And to end the gifspam, SMILEY!MYKA :D

School's hindering my gifspamming, but I'm going to try to make the Buried gifs asap because HOMG JAIME MURRAY AS LARA CROFT. In the meantime, go ahead and tell me about the dirty, dirty things you'd like to do to Helena G. Wells. Or, you know, the dirty, dirty things you'd like her to do to Agent Bering. (Or you could just flail about the show. I'm not demanding.)

++ Warehouse 13 masterlist
++ Comments are love ♥ :)
++ Credit not necessary; snag away!

warehouse 13

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