27: Warehouse 13 (1x04 - 1x12)

Aug 15, 2010 02:46

TONIGHT HAS BEEN PRODUCTIVE. White Collar photoshoot gifs, and now Warehouse 13! Twenty-seven gifs from ep 4 to 12 (gifs from 1-3 are here) of season one, dial-up unfriendly & spoilery. ON TO THE GIFS!

1x04 Claudia
It's not monkey phlegm :\

Image of Pete/Myka from the durational spectrometer

"Mrs Frederic said we should stay here." "I didn't hear that." "Neither did I."

"I know, right? Score!"

1x05 Elements
Pete/IV drip

1x06 Burnout
Myka hitting Pete

"Pete, don't take them all."

1x07 Implosion
"You want a piece of me?"


Myka miming

1x08 Duped
This is Myka's "mad at Artie" face

Claudia disco dancing

asdffhgjlk;lkgfdfsfghkj Myka's back. Yes, I made a gif of only Myka's back. And yes, I can't stop staring.

1x09 Regrets


Claudia in Alessandro Volta's lab coat

Myka after her hallucination

"That was awesome!"

Pete dancing

1x10 Breakdown
Pete dancing (again)

Claudia gives Pete an 8.5!

Pete/Myka/Claudia on the couch

Pete/Myka/Claudia and their "surprise party" for Artie!

1x11 Nevermore
Pete/Claudia tied up


1x12 MacPherson
Myka in the Timothy Leary glasses

Claudia transforming into Leena

That's it for the season one gifs! Promise I'll post the rest of the season two gifs soon......I hope. Heh.

++ Warehouse 13 gif masterlist here
++ Comments are love! :)
++ Credit not necessary, snag away!

warehouse 13

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