Season 14 episode discussion post

Oct 01, 2017 11:09

Hi everyone! Here's your discussion post for season 14. I'm sorry it's late, I was on holiday last week and I forgot to create this post before I went away.

The usual rules apply: be kind to each other (see here), follow the community rules, and remember that this post is NOT spoiler free. This is a sticky post and will remain at the top of the community for the whole season. Remember to use the subject box to identify which episode you're talking about.

I'm sorry for all the broken links, photobucket has changed its policy on third party link sharing. I have fixed the userinfo page but in trying to fix the layout, I broke it! So you'll notice that the community design has changed to something more basic, as I don't have the html skills needed to get it looking as good as it did before. I also don't have photoshop on my new laptop yet, which is why there is no image for this post at the moment.

ICYMI: season 13 episode discussion.

ga: episode discussion

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