'Grey's Anatomy' Stars Share Their Take on Happily Ever After + Episode 5 Press Release

Oct 16, 2015 02:00

[Spoiler (click to open)]THR quizzed the cast to find out what they think their characters' end games are.

Jessica Capshaw (Arizona)
It would be so lovely for Arizona, having gone through a plane crash and divorce, to get to a place where she genuinely knew who she wanted and was able to figure out how to love and be loved in a really truthful way. Callie and Arizona are in the most amazing place. Part of the reason they have to go through so many different "this isn't working out moments" is because until you knew that it really wasn’t working out - and you don't champion them being together anymore - you weren't going to be able to let go of it. Now, you know that they are not good together as they are now. Hopefully that will lend some air and space to them being happy for each other going forward.

Press Release for Ep 5

“Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?” - In the midst of the sisters’ dinner party, Maggie ditches her cooking duties to rush to the hospital. Meanwhile, April steps in to help cook as an attempt to avoid Jackson, and Arizona nervously waits to find out more about Callie’s new girlfriend, on “Grey’s Anatomy,” THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET)on the ABC Television Network


I totally agree with Jessica on her take on Arizona's happily ever after. Sounds like at the time when she gave her answer, she believes that Calzona is over. Don't know what's going to happen down  the road, but at this point, they're over and Arizona should embark on a journey to find someone else who does make her happy.

As for the press release, although I don't like that Arizona is nervous about Penny (though that may be due to many reasons, hopefully none of them "jealousy"), the way the press release was written makes me think this sub-plot may be more about Arizona and what sets her on her journey of finding someone worthy of her love, someone "to love and be loved in a really truthful way". I wish she had come to that epiphany on her own, but as long as she gets there, I'm willing to overlook how she started. Probably my wishful thinking, though.

ga: discussion, ga: spoilers, jcap: interview

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