Nomen est omen

Sep 21, 2011 19:45

Друзья! Откройте дружно Шибболет и запомните, как правильно пишутся имена! Обратите внимание, что в синдаринской и квенийской форме звук [k] передается c и k соответственно! Легко запомнить: синдарин - c, квенья - k.

[Maedros] Nelyafinwë ‘Finwë third’ in succession. (Nelyo)
[Maglor] Kanafinwë ‘strong-voiced or ?commanding’. (Káno)
[Celegorm] Turkafinwë ‘strong, powerful (in body)’. (Turko)
[Curufin] Kurufinwë Fëanor's own name; given to this, his favourite son, because he alone showed in some degree the same temper and talents. He also resembled Fëanor very much in face. (Kurvo)
[Caranthir] Morifinwë ‘dark’ - he was black-haired as his grandfather. (Moryo)
[Amrod] Pityafinwë ‘Little Finwë’. (Pityo)59
[Amras] Telufinwë ‘Last Finwë’. (Telvo)60
Their ‘mother-names' are recorded (though never used in narrative) as:

Maitimo ‘well-shaped one’: he was of beautiful bodily form. But he, and the youngest, inherited the rare red-brown hair of Nerdanel's kin. Her father had the epessë of rusco ‘fox’. So Maitimo had as an epessë given by his brothers and other kin Russandol ‘copper-top’.
Makalaurë Of uncertain meaning. Usually interpreted (and said to have been a ‘prophetic’ mother-name) as ‘forging gold’. If so, probably a poetic reference to his skill in harping, the sound of which was ‘golden’ (laurë was a word for golden light or colour, never used for the metal).
Tyelkormo ‘hasty-riser’. Quenya tyelka ‘hasty’. Possibly in reference to his quick temper, and his habit of leaping up when suddenly angered.
Atarinkë ‘little father’ - referring to his physical likeness to Fëanor, later found to be also seen in his mind.
Carnistir ‘red-face’ - he was dark (brown) haired, but had the ruddy complexion of his mother.

Update. Я не поняла, Морьо - брюнет или шатен? Профессор, вы издеваетесь? Мало нам проблем с Турко?

Fёanaro, язык мой, Первый Дом: факты, лингвистика, jrrt

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