so, i am still in portland, it is a gloomy day here for the most part, and it's hard to find the motivation to look for jobs, as my mood is very much determined by weather. it makes me wonder if i should move to LA, where it never rains, and it is sunny every day. i really honestly should just invest in a UV ray lamp and start taking my vitamins more often to help lift my mood a little.
so, here is the latest update.
-i was in boston for all of saturday last weekend. didn't see too much of boston, but i did a little walking around somerville and davis square for a bit and found myself stuck in bed for most of the day. enough said.
-i've been floating between kelly and kate's still in the past couple of days, which is really funny, as i've been enjoying the cooking, cleaning, getting drunk on $3.50 bottles of white, and popping around town.
-i went canvassing for the first time in awhile, with the
maine people's alliance. going door to door isn't exactly my thing, but it's not as bad as it was campaigning for dr. doden's green party ticket back in 2002. asking for money is oddly easier? potentially, but i don't feel confortable encroaching on dinner time, as i know when i was growing up, that was pretty much the one universal time we all sat down and ate together. it's really important. so, maybe i'll get one of their phone jobs - also, their hours SUCK. i mean, really SUCK (as in 2pm-10pm sucking...), so that is probably not an option for me.
-i'm hoping and waiting to hear back from the
maine democrats - they have an organizing position available to me that i interviewed for last week, which would give me a salary of $2000/month and healthcare benefits - which i REALLY need. my health insurance expires on the first of august, so health insurance would be a blessing for me. i'm not a big fan of signing up for the democrat party (i'm registered as an non-affiliated in virginia), but it seems like they will pay the bills and give me what i need until i find something better or move to new york city. either way, the election perspective would be very interesting for sure. g-d, i hope they employ me - the money, the benefits and the experience would be great. i never intended to go into politics, but apparently i have all the skills - and the availability.
-i still haven't heard from the hematologist that my neurologist referred me to - it's been 2 weeks, this is a little unprofessional. i guess they don't like me, and my heterozygous potentially odd blood traits.
-i finally found an apartment here in portland, for quite an excellent price - can't beat $333 a month for a big room, some decent roommates, and some free stuff. $50/month aprx. for utilities, but all i really need is hot water and internet, and i am ready to go!
-my dad really wants to get me a meaningful graduation gift - of course, so meaningful that i choose it - nice one dad, but i have a number of options available to me. i will make a post soon with what to decide on, as this is pretty open ended....
goals for today:
1. apply to more jobs in maine and seek out more help from the CDO for new york city.
2. research potential work in austin, tx, just in case.
3. get money squared away for new apartment... i.e. work on the check book.
4. make some phone calls to friends, track down stuff in northampton
5. make travel arrangements to go to columbus. YES...
columbus... i want to be there for pride!
6. make some final decisions on whether or not to play soccer for the summer recreation teams at casco bay sports this summer. i miss playing so much, but i worry that i will be too overly competitive for the field. it really welcome meeting new people and getting into the sports leagues here. i miss playing contact/ball sports so much, and am so eager to start up with rugby when i make it to new york city. it's good to dream big, i suppose, because when you fulfill those dreams, THAT will rock.
7. make a planned reading list to get through for the summer. i need to make my goals be known, and i need to be ambitious for sure.
that's pretty much it. much love.