Since most of Space Cases' fans are, I have no doubt, old enough to drink let alone old enough to smut, and since I got no hatemail from asking....
Ye rules:
- Must be anonymous... requesters AND responders.
- Any kind of kink is fine... fluffy, smutty, gross, het, boyslash, girlslash.. whatever.
- Feel free to me-too, just title the post as such so even when the posts become compressed, it's still obvious that it's a me-too rather than a response.
- More than one response to any one kink is fine.
- One request per post (not per customer, just per post) please.
- Fic and art are both fine, but if you're worried about being recognized fic might be the better bet.
- Don't just post a pairing, post what you want them to be getting up to.
- No harassing people if they request a kink that squicks you or a pairing that you aren't into.
- If you get, try to give. It's not required, but it is polite.
- Fics can be anything from drabble-length to multi-reply-needing monsters.
- Look
here for inspiration.
Keep it fun!