Ugh! Insomnia for the lose!
Mind you, it is at least Friday night and I can sleep in tomorrow, thus to celebrate:
Ten Awesome things from this week
10. There was hot kissing Ejami action on DOOL. Sure EJ had been conked on the head by crazycakes Hope (who is popping pills that make her evil alter ego assault men, apparently...)and was all lying on the ground looking gorgeous while unconscious - and I'd still hit that. UNF! It hit all my shippy buttons what with his whole "Don't leave me!" plea and then having to be CPR'ed back to life complete with, no-I-need-to-get-up-ohnoes-feeling-woozy-catch-me-before-I-fall-intense-eyesex-stare-leading-to-making-out-like-teenagers ending. Yay! And of course he has amnesia and doesn't remember it.
Srsly, 5 days a week of this awesomeness!
9. Glee is actually quite brilliant and fun to watch. Who burned through all the episodes in 3 days, then bought the music on iTunes so she can sing along while walking home, despite looking a bit loopy doing so? He took the midnight train going aaaaanywheeeeeeeeeeeeeere!!
Fave pairing: Brittany / Santana (pretty sure it's canon too!)
8. There was rain this week! Proper stormy awesomeness while I was in my bed all rugged up and listening to it patter on the roof. I totes have an excuse to break out my fancy parasol. Oh yes - my umbrella has frills and is completely OTT gothic lolita-esque but is actually my regency romance in real life fantasy indulgence. My mother knows me too well ('tis my B'day pressie from last year).
7. My excellent T-shirt arrived "Exploding With Rainbows" from Allie Brosh's most excellent blog
Hyperbole and a Half. You should all go and read it because she's too awesomely funny for words. I feel happy just wearing it!
6. I has a Dyson.
My carpet has never been cleaner. And I was equally horrified / fascinated with the sheer amount of crap sucked up by the machine-of-doom. It is powered by a jet engine (and possibly awesomeness)
5. We saw an Owl on the roof last night!!! A weeny one at that. Haha! Le bro and I rushed around like loons trying to find a torch so we could identify the owl shaped silhouette as being actually an owl. My Hogwarts letter is clearly forthcoming. NO wait, it was Jareth the Goblin King come to take me away from my horrible baby brother!
4. Found a new romance author who *shock* wrote a really good de-virginising sex scene. Of course the next book I picked up had many many horrifying peen euphemisms and a good dash of WTF plot points (review forthcoming!) Also the next "Lesson in Love" book is soooo sooooo soooooo kill-it-with-fire twee that I am squirming with blehness reading it. It has its central plot point revolving around an orphanage and I can't even, I just, SEXYTIMES CANNOT BE HAD WHEN ORPHANS ARE INVOLVED!
3. Haha! New Moon on DVD - That is all.
2. Had a bad cramp in my foot last night, so I groped my way into the kitchen (judgement clearly impaired from the ~*pain*~ because I didn't think to, you know, turn on the light) found the medical box and what I thought at the time was the packet of Nurofen (Ibuprofen). 15 minutes later as I lay in my bed, as they say - tripping balls - realised it was the super duper pain pills the bro has for his wisdom teeth.
Fun times y'all. I slept so awesomely though.
1. The family's commercial property sold this morning. It was on the market for 2 weeks and went for 5.2M I'm a little bit sad about this one, because so many amazing memories are tied to that place - but we're going to have the party to end all parties there before settlement and send her off with a bang. Also, I now have insta-money for a house. I'm going to pool resources with the parentals and bro and buy property that has a house and a commercial building attached (for the parentals business) It's all very exciting, but I'm a bit daunted by it all. I really thought this would take longer and I wouldn't have to actually do anything until next year.
Big adventures are coming!!