And while I wait impatiently for the brother to OMG hurry up and finish work already so we can watch 'The Ark of Truth' I shall be spammy with memeage.
My Fic Kink List-of-doom
1. A really great opening line / paragraph that manages to grab me and pull me into the story straight away. The kind of line that gives that real visceral reaction, deep in the gut and that tells you to keep reading.
2. Good comic timing. Humor can be really hard to pull off and I'm always delighted to see something that makes me laugh out loud. And I love to see that the character's have different ideas of what is and isn't funny.
3. Internal asides. I'm rather fond of narrative that delves into those throwaway observations that characters make, and that glimpse into the self that hasn't been run through the censor. What are those things they dwell on? How do they connect the dots and come up with ideas?
4. Fic that shows body language. It's such an integral part of communication and its subtle nuances never fail to add that additional layer of character. What does it mean when they shift their weight? How does that character choose to hold their knife and fork?
5. Related to 4. When characters talk around the edge of things. They might not come out and say directly what they mean, but it's still communicated in other ways. I also love conversations that are awkward, that spin off into seemingly unrelated topics, that have silences and that feel natural - like there are real live people talking and not just reciting a script.
6. Atmosphere. I love it when you get a sense of place and time. Sometimes all it takes is a quick sketch, a few lines and my imagination can fill in the rest. But the fics that I remember, that stick with me for days are the ones that take that chore of exposition and scene filler / description and make it a tightly woven net of words that you can't separate from the narrative.
7. Fic that plays with conventions, that plays with non-linear narrative or abandons the concept of the 3 act play, that manages to pull off a difficult POV structure. Something challenging that keeps me on my toes.
8. Clever writing. Fic that scatters hints and clues and little tidbits throughout - even a red herring or two to screw with my mind - and then, all of a sudden, pulls them together in a way that makes me admire the sheer brilliance of their skills. I really love that moment of realisation, when you figure out what's happening or what the fic is really about.
9. Apocafic. I like the exploration of the darker side of things, where everything is lost and stripped away.
10. Consequences. I like it when things don't go our way. I like it even better when a decision has a far reaching ripple effect that can't be smoothed away with a simple solution. How do they live with the knowledge that they are responsible?
11. Hard choices. I've always believed in that old aphorism: 'There are always choices, it's just sometimes there are no good ones.' Show me how hard it is to be a leader, to shoulder responsibility and trust. How do you present the shades of grey?
12. Friendship and love. I want fic to show me how these characters feel about each other. Love isn't always about sex, you can't simplify it like that. I want to know how the lines between professionalism and friendship blur, and how that affects things. I want to know why their relationship is close and how do they demonstrate it. But even more than that, I want to know where it's cracked and broken. How do you get past the unforgivable?
13. Memory and perception. A big kink of mine. How can you know that something is real? SG-1 has so many story lines about minds being tampered with, or memories that aren't their own - and I'm all over fic that features this like a rash. :D
14. Time travel and Paradox. Hello Moebius, 1969, Ripple Effect, Road not Taken etc. If you play with this concept, I'm there with bells on. It's not just about how things are different - it's about thinking about the impossibility of the paradox itself.
15. The edges of canon. Back stories, old war tales, what happened after the episode, deleted scenes. Fic that takes something we know and expands it. I'm a big sucker for pre-series fic.