joint plotting meme is a go!

Oct 05, 2011 16:36

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theformofstars October 5 2011, 22:11:02 UTC
Theta: So, I want him to get a Guardian, I really do. If anyone could use one, it's him and later, when Kosch comes in, I feel like that would be an interesting thing to work around. I also just generally want more people to adopt him but that is because he is so easily adoptable.

Aurora: She and Nick are going on a roadtrip in a bit, so I don't have many plans for her.

Neal: Is still kind of being excited over the fact that he has ahn Elizabeth. beyond that, he should probably talk to Abby and I don't know. Other things. Thingity things.

Millie: I know, at one point or another, there was talk about running a car through the Shop. She won't be thrilled about it but if that's still going down, then she'll be buys with that at one point or another.

Elizabeth: Will have her on plot post in a second but beyond that, she's still trying to adjust. Also, I think she vaguely wants to adopt Georgia.

Spencer: I still think he and Giles need to team up and be awesome nerds together. Beyond that, he is busy working through his issues as per usual. And he's actually taking steps to care of them at this point. It's quite thri8lling really. I am proud of him.


descendent October 6 2011, 02:02:40 UTC
Lena would totally adopt Theta, if it's something you're interested in. They are awesome and I would love to do a lot of things with them because he is amazing and I love him so. /squishes him

AND I NEED CR WITH ELIZABETH. Because I loved her app and I've loved her intro and what little I've seen of White Collar and she just seems like the kind of person so many of mine would just attach to.

Millie and Anne/Millie and John need to thread again soon, because they are awesome, too.

... and I do not play Giles but the thought of them teaming up is adorable.


nosecretmeaning October 6 2011, 02:08:34 UTC
Lena can adopt him! I sort of just want Theta to have a happyish Riftfamily. And then he gets Kosch and he will be THE HAPPIEST THING EVER OMG. He will still miss flying but besides that, he will glee and there will be days he forgot he ever had any other life, so it's...not all good exactly but you know.

El will have CR with just about anyone you throw at her. She is very good fo9r getting CR with, as she's willing to talk to most people, so I will try and throw her at someone. Or you can throw someone at herl. Or something. THINGS WILL HAPPEN.

<33333 Millie/Anne and Millie/John Gods, yes that totally needs to happen.

Basically, I just need all the Ella CR in my life. All of it.


sollers October 6 2011, 04:08:29 UTC
Yay! This makes me happy because she instantly sort of attached herself to his adorable and having CR with him would make me happy. AND YAY I can't wait to see him and Kosch once he's brought in, and he deserves the happy, okay? ALL THE HAPPY.

She seems like it, I just kind of want to scritch her. :3 WE CAN SIMULTANEOUSLY KEEP THROWING PEOPLE AT EACH OTHER UNTIL WE HAVE ALL the CR. This sounds like the most excellent of plans.

YESSSSSS <3333333 I will also throw more Crowbar people at Millie perhaps, especially since John is so fond of her so they'd know at least about her. c:

I need all the Charley CR in my life. I really, really do. :D


nosecretmeaning October 6 2011, 04:14:41 UTC
When Kosch comes, Theta is going to die. he is just...He is going to be so, so happy. He misses that man fiercely. That relationship is so, so very co-dependent. But yes, he will take a Lena. Lots of Lena. He will take lots of happy people, really. Or pretty people. He is going to get a small collection of awesome girls who adopted him, I think.

....I actually really like this plan of us throwing people back and forth. This plan sounds utterly and completely win. It will mean we get EEEEVERYTHING! And I will be pleased.

Omnomnom CR is pleasing. Your CR is especially sol.


allaroughdraft October 6 2011, 02:25:34 UTC
Abby needs to meet Millie. I may actually send her into the coffee shop when it comes alive, because it would be fun. >> ... I think she also need to meet El, because that would be cute. Screw it, Abby just kind of needs to meet everyone, but those two especially. XD And I would be up for throwing her at Neal whenever. I will do it next time you post if nothing else.

Other than that I have nothing new to say. XD There just needs to keep being Peter, El and Neal. And Nick and Aurora. We should figure out if we're playing out any/how much of that trip. And. Yes. I would not argue more CR. I need to throw someone at Theta, definitely. And get Kosch's app done. And possibly give El someone who is not her husband at some point.

... Basically I want all your CR. Aaaaall of it.


nosecretmeaning October 6 2011, 02:34:49 UTC
Only if I can have all of YOUR CR.

But really, we should prolly determine how much of the trip is going to be played out. And El is perfectly happy getting her husband. She is perfectly happy spending her time with Neal, Peter and Sara, honestly. She's talking to other people but she still comes back to them every time.


allaroughdraft October 6 2011, 02:37:23 UTC
You should know that you can. <3

We have a bit of time, but yeah, it'd be good to discuss that. And I figure El would be happy with her husband, but I want to throw other people at her. Because I can. XD Abby will probably come to her parties if she finds out about them, so if nothing else, there will be that.

Granted I have no plans to stop throwing her husband at her. I don't think I'd be allowed to.


nosecretmeaning October 6 2011, 02:41:17 UTC
Abby could probab
ly find out through the parties through Neal if you wanted. He could keep her and the rest of the family in the know about all things Kashtta-related.

And throwing her husband is not a bad thing. She loves her husband. She wants her husband She kind of needs him, damnit.


smithnjones October 6 2011, 03:13:18 UTC
THETA. I will be tagging Martha to Theta. rjel;a! ;_; Because she would obviously adopt him, and yes. .-. I was going to do it to his intro, but then I didn't do it in time so yes. Next chance there is, he'll be getting a Martha.

:3 Aurora and Damon's relationship should continue to build in the strange, amazing way that it is building. :3 IMO.

I should get new CR with Millie since Elizabeth died. ;_; I'm not sure who yet, maybe another one of my ickle angels. I have so many of them. Or one of my Crowbar people since she gets along so well with John. :3

AND MARK to Spencer. Mark is an angel of knowledge so he is on the nerdy side, but he's also really... just like a marsmallow of fluff in person form. rjekl;a!

And goodness, I have so many characters, but I will definitely be throwing to see who sticks where.


nosecretmeaning October 6 2011, 03:29:45 UTC
...Oh fuck I did not actually think about Martha when I brought Theta in. He is going to break a little at seeing here. Because he has serious issues with being the Doctor. Or rather, very much not being the Doctor and just...Yeah. Yeeeeah. That's going to be fun. And he's not doing well either, he's been using his power and it's eating up at his conscious time and brian function and oh no, seeing Martha is going to suck for him.

....I can't wait.

But y6es! Yes to all the rest of i8t. Damon and Aurora are made of awesome and Millie needs people to adopt becuase she is...kind of broken but not admitting it. She is throwing herself into her work, as p0er usual, and hiding on playgrounds at night where no one can see her cry and she won't be crying in her house or at her work which she prefers and just...Yeah. She knows it happens, she knows that being a First m,eans you lose people but it still hurts.

XDD Marshmalloooow! <3 I ttoally support this but that is because I support Rizzy CR.


smokeclears October 6 2011, 05:18:07 UTC
/DIES. WELL THEN. I am sorry for breaking you, Theta. ;_; I don't think she'll call him the Doctor directly, because she'll know pretty fast that he is-- it's not the same. And they've had a few ones who looked like him before but weren't. But. :x SHE WILL FEEL BAD FOR BREAKING HIM THOUGH. ;___________________;


They are made of the most awesome! rjkel;a! BAW MILLIE! Well, I have all kinds of ickle people that can be thrown at her. 14 characters. ONE OF THEM WILL STICK. jrkle;a ;;

EEEE AWESOME. :3333333333 <3333 I like my CR being supported.


shotofdumbidea October 7 2011, 02:23:55 UTC
Awww. Georgia might protest being adopted, but she probably wouldn't mind making actual friends with Elizabeth. She likes her. :D


theformofstars October 7 2011, 02:49:39 UTC
Well, El doesn't quite adopt so much as she brings in? I can't quite explain it but she brings you into her circle. Unless you really are truly adoptable then she might wind up doing so but it's more like half adoption half friendship...thing.


shotofdumbidea October 7 2011, 04:32:24 UTC
XD I know what you mean. Georgia just fails at any form of normal friendship. BUT I'M SURE EL CAN DEAL WITH THAT.


starryeyed_cass October 9 2011, 17:39:48 UTC
I just want to say I love Aurora and Dylan's current thread. THEY ARE FINALLY GETTING ON, SORT OF.

But um yes, I am all for more threads with them two. :3

Also, I am all for all of the Luna and Theta threads because they are so adorable ;u;


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