joint plotting meme is a go!

Oct 05, 2011 16:36

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chaoticasphyxia October 5 2011, 22:09:31 UTC
Cassie Riddle starryeyed_cass ~ Cassie’s actually been having an okay time in Chicago as of late. She’s gotten herself a job which she enjoys and is just looking forward to saving money up to buy pretty things. She’s just lost Elizabeth, which she’s very sad about - but is trying her best to take it all in her stride. She’s happily breezing along with her relationship she’s building with Spencer, which she’s very happy about. Friend-wise, she’s just maintain her relationships and always up for making new friends.

You need an adorable, friendly music girl in your life? You know who to call!

Robert Capa i_robert_capa ~ He’s not up to much. He’ll be realising Parker’s gone and will be really messed up by that because Parker’s one of the few close friends he has left. I’m not entirely sure what to do with him, I’ll hoist him up for anything pretty much. :x

Dylan fellfrommyheart Dylan’s on a shaky road at the minute. She’s fighting her Calling, trying not to over-indulge but is probably doing just as bad ignoring it. She’s trying to find some peace in her life and try and make ( ... )


FUTURE CHARACTERS chaoticasphyxia October 5 2011, 22:47:11 UTC

CROWLEYYYY mrkingofhell ~ I HAVE FINALLY SEEN ALL OF SERIES 6. So now I can bring in this bitchy badass of awesome in whenever I can! I haven't written his app yet - but I will get around to it at some point. HIS RIFTCHANGE WILL BE THAT HE CAN'T MAKE DEALS. OF ANY KIND. EVER.


Justine Ward bringthepoison ~ Faily Pol of adorable. Socially awkward and bordering on drug-dependent in order to make her feel safe about being around the world. She lives in fear of her Calling because she honestly doesn't want to make others sick.

Sam Reed doitjustlikeyou ~ Pretty badass Archangel who comes from a big Archangel family. She's estranged from her family, especially her father and several older brothers because they never thought she'd be able to cut it as an Arch because she's a girl. :|

Theodore Hart oftheirdesign ~ Old, cranky, arrogant First. Boat-load of problems because he's so old and a former Archangel. But he tends not to talk about them. But he has a gentle side to him. He'd make a good father figure to those who need it. :3

... that's pretty much it, I think :x


wrong angel but I DON'T CARE iluvroadrunner6 October 6 2011, 01:41:41 UTC

... )


starryeyed_cass October 9 2011, 16:59:58 UTC


Re: FUTURE CHARACTERS arrowinmyheel October 6 2011, 03:08:42 UTC



Crowley is awesome, and I love all the original characters! rjekla;!

They sound really awesome. rjel;a! :333333


starryeyed_cass October 9 2011, 17:02:27 UTC

dfkglkdf I AM EXCITE TOO!

Me and Emily were talking about all the mischief Crowley's going to get up to when he gets to Chicago. He'll be trolling mostly, especially Cas and Bela. And he'll find some way to troll Sam too. :3



descendent October 6 2011, 02:04:54 UTC
LUNAAA. I still need to throw more people at her, because she is the best thing ever and she makes me smile a lot. Possibly, I will just be throwing all my shapeshifters so she can have all the conversations with them. :3

I loved Dylan and Sarah's thread at Veronica's B-Day party and in general I think they can be very good for each other. :3 :3 :3

AND CASSIEEEE. I love all my CR with Cassie so we'll just have to continue with that, okay? :D <33333333


starryeyed_cass October 9 2011, 17:04:39 UTC
Luna will forever be the sunshine on everyone's rainy day. HAPPINESS FOR EVERYONE. :3333 Heeee, she is excite for more animals to talk to. THROW ALL OF THEM AT HER. DO IIIIT.

Bawww, it was lovely! I agree with this! :3

YES. We shall :D <333333333333


imwotchingyou October 6 2011, 02:12:44 UTC


starryeyed_cass October 9 2011, 17:04:58 UTC



imwotchingyou October 10 2011, 04:03:01 UTC
I know he's just a cameo character but! Still. >_>


allaroughdraft October 6 2011, 02:22:04 UTC
One day someone needs to meet Cassie. My first thoughts are Nick or Abby. I think either one could get along with her.

And I want more CR with Luna always. >> She and Remus obviously need to keep running into each other. And she and Abby are cute. And whne I bring River in, she needs to meet Luna.

I would not mind more CR with Scarlett either. I don't tihnk I have anyone she'd actually befriend -- Abby would try? I just think she would annoy her. XD -- but she's fun to play with. I am also up for temporary brain breaking, because I'm evil. >>

... And when you bring in Justine she needs to meet Abby. Just. I want to see that happen. I feel like it would be interesting.

... And. Yes. The point to this rambloing is more CR. Lots of it. I would like lots of it.


starryeyed_cass October 9 2011, 17:08:26 UTC
I agreeee! And I am cool with either!

Heeeee, yes! They can just hang out and eat chocolate and read and just be awesome and it will be awesome. And omg yes! I'm not totally familiar with her canon, but I do know some things about her and I think they'll get on well!

ksfjd yes, I think Abby would annoy her. But idk, who knows? They might get on a little. YAY BRAIN BREAKING.

Oh! It would! I'm not sure when I'm bringing in Justine since I'm bringing in Crowley next - but we would always PSL something at some point?

I am all for rambling :3 <3333


allaroughdraft October 9 2011, 20:21:54 UTC
:D:D:D EXCELLENT. On all points. There will be lots of throwing and lots of awesome. And I will throw Abby Scarlett's wway just to see how that works out. XD

And that sounds good to me. <333 PSLs are good, waiting till you get around to it would be good, whatever you're up for. :D

Oh, good, because I am really good at it. XD


arrowinmyheel October 6 2011, 03:06:51 UTC
BAW CASSIE. ;_; I will be giving her more David so we can keep a cute friendship CR going with Cassie and one of mine. I have so many characters, idek, but yes, they will still be friends and will increase their cute friendship by more threads, k?

Capa! Marfa is there to be his friend and thread with them. They have good threads together, and I love all of Luna's and Harry's too. I think they're wonderful, and you're so perfect at Luna.

Plus, Harry will be discovering that his Rift-power has changed to be a shapeshifter. Now like almost all the HP characters are shapeshifters, and at one point, they will all have to like... stampede through the hallways and Luna will try to talk them all down from their animal-hysteria. :x



starryeyed_cass October 9 2011, 17:13:05 UTC
DAVID ;__; Yessss, she misses David and will always want to see him and hang out with him because he's lovely and awesome. K! <3

Bawww, Capa really likes Marfa. I am always up for new thread with them. C:

asdjfkjadsh thank you ;____;
I'm so glad you all think I'm good at playing here, seriously. ;u;

skjfhkjds /DIES OMG BEST THING EVER. Luna is just going to be forever amused at this. AS LONG AS THEY DON'T BREAK HER DOOR AGAIN LIKE GILDEROY DID. :x Please refrain from that guys :x BUT YES. SO MUCH AWESOME.

What's Harry going to be turning into? :o


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