This is name for Arashi's pairing from Japanese fans. I think it's lil' bit different from what i usually see from international fans. :)
source: Nino x Ohno = 大宮 Ohmiya (because they made it themselves, haha)
Nino x Aiba = にのあい Ninoai or 総武線コンビ Sobu-sen Pair (because they used to ride the Sobu Line together)
Nino x Sho = 櫻宮 Sakuranomiya (made up by them) or やまたろコンビ YamaTaro Pair
Nino x Jun = 末っ子コンビ/末ズ Suekko Pair/Suezu (“the youngest”)
Ohno x Aiba = 天然コンビ Ten’nen Pair (“the ditzy duo”)
Ohno x Sho = 山コンビ (Yama Pair)
Ohno x Jun = 年上年下コンビ Toshiue-Toshishita Pair (“the oldest and youngest pair”)
Aiba x Sho = 櫻葉 Sakuraba (no “i” because of the kanji)
Aiba x Jun = モデルコンビ Model Pair (because they’re most photogenic)
Sho x Jun = バンビズ Bambi’s (because Sho = Bambi and Jun = Bambino)