Room Full of Mirrors 1/1

Jul 02, 2012 13:41

Rating: PG (some naughty language)
Characters/Pairings: none
Summary: Drabble. Five month old Ben is super cute, and he hates that other baby...
Disclaimer: I don't own them :(
A/N: Based on personal experience....

“I used to live in a room full of mirrors
All I could see was me
Then I take my spirit and I smash my mirrors
And now the whole world is here for me to see
Now I’m searching for my love to be”
Room Full of Mirrors- Jimi Hendrix

Ben was only five months old, but Dean couldn’t even imagine what his life had been like before he was born. He was growing more and more every day- sometimes Dean couldn’t keep up, he would leave Ben with Mary every morning to go to the shop and when he came home it would be shocked with how much Ben had grown in those few hours. He would usually come home and shower all the grease off of himself then snuggle with his baby for a few hours while Sam and Adam generally made fun of him and called him Mom, but he could see how happy they were for him. He could also see the pride in his parent’s eyes- and it gave him the strength to know he was a good parent when he doubted himself.


Dean rubbed idly at his elbow as he and John walked through the front door to the Winchester house. He’d strained it trying to loosen a screw trying to get a hubcap off some junker- it had been a loss and his Dad had laughed at him when he almost broke a toe kicking the stupid thing after straining his elbow.

“Rub some aspercreme on that there, old man.” John teased.

“Shut the fuck up, granpa…” Dean muttered in response- careful to not let Mary hear him cursing.

John just chuckled and roughly rubbed Dean’s shoulders as he followed him into the house.

Mary greeted them from the living room where she was sitting with Adam working on his homework and Sam was sitting bouncing Ben on his knees while he watched a basketball game on TV.
Ben giggled and drooled when he saw his daddy.

“Hey baby boy.” Dean chuckled as Sam grimaced at the drool that was currently soaking into his pants from where it had dripped onto him. Dean bent over to give Ben a quick kiss on his forehead, “Gonna go grab a shower then I’ll be back. Good job son, keep drooling on Sammy.”

Sam gave Dean a withering look as he walked down the hallway to the bathroom laughing.

The hot shower relaxed Dean’s tired and sore muscles. He wanted to stay under the spray longer, but he wanted to spend some time with his brothers and son before they all had to go to bed. Dean turned the water off and gave his head a quick shake to get rid of the extra water from his damp hair.

He pulled back the shower curtain and jumped.

“Sammy! Son of a bitch! What’re doing in here haven’t you ever heard of privacy dude?”

Sam rolled his eyes, “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before Dean.” He said from his perch on the counter. Ben was in his arms chewing happily on one of Sam’s sleeves.

“Dean glared at Sam while he wrapped a towel tightly around his waist.

“What’re you doing in here?” Dean repeated, exasperated.

“I wanted to show you something.” Sam said, sliding off the counter.

“Sam, seriously!”

Sam shrugged, “No, just watch.” He turned towards the mirror. “You know how most babies like to look at themselves in the mirror…” He trailed of.

“Uhhh, yea I guess.” Dean answered.

Sam just grinned at Dean over his shoulder as he helped Ben stand up on the counter facing the mirror. Ben glanced around the room a little before settling on Sam’s reflection in the mirror.

“Ben, look at that other baby- who’s that baby?” Sam prompted, using one hand to tap on the glass where Ben’s reflection was. The baby looked at his reflection for several seconds, quietly regarding it before his face crumpled. His little bottom lip stuck out before it began to quiver and he started to cry. Sam bent over laughing before he hauled Ben back up and against his chest. He turned towards his brother, “He hates that other baby.” Sam got out between chuckles.

Dean snorted and shook his head at his brother. He chuckled a little bit at his son, because even crying he was just so damn cute.

“Hand him over.” Dean made grabbing motions towards his son.

Laughing Sam passed the baby to his brother.

“Is Uncle Sammy torturing you?” Dean cooed in Ben’s ear, gently bouncing him to calm him down.

Sam laughed again as he left the bathroom, Dean shaking his head behind him.

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watchtower!verse, daddy!dean, character: dean

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