Baker Street 2/2

Mar 28, 2012 16:32

Rating: PG (some naughty language)
Characters/Pairings: none
Summary: Sequel to "Paperthin Hymn". An unlikely reunion.
Disclaimer: If only I owned the Winchester boys :( sad day.

A/N: Thanks to some renewed interest in this here story, here is the rest of Baker Street. I hope you enjoy it. I might work on another Dean-centric sequel, but I also have another idea for a story that I also might write. I make no promises since my life is so much more hectic than it was when I first started this journey with the Watchtower!Verse. I've actually moved, transferred schools, switched majors, etc all in the past 3 months. So I've been busy to say the least.

With the invention of Google it isn’t too difficult for Gabriel to look up the phone number for the Lawrence Police Department. The difficult part is actually following through with dialing the number.

Then once he’s dialed the number it’s ten times harder to click send.

After clicking send it’s about a thousand times harder to not hang up after the first ring- which he does so many times he’s sure the police department has his number flagged as a prank caller.

After what feels like the millionth time of dialing those 11 numbers to connect his phone in Palo Alto to a phone in Lawrence, Kansas he doesn’t hang-up.

“Lawrence, P.D. this is Rachel how many I direct your call?”

“Ummm, hi Rachel, I was hoping to speak with Castiel Novak.” His voice sounds weird to his own ears. A hesitance that’s not usually present in his boisterous tone creeps in without his knowing.

“One moment please.” Rachel replies pleasantly and Gabriel feels his hands go clammy. He hasn’t spoken to his little brother in over seventeen years but he was going to now.

“Detective Novak speaking.” The voice on the other line is deeper and rougher than Gabriel remembers, but so utterly Castiel that it makes his heart clench.

“Hiya Cassie, how ya doing?” His voice still sounds weird to his own ears, but it feels so good to speak to his brother again.

Gabriel can hear soft breathing on the other line and he counts it as a win that his brother hasn’t hung up.

“Gabriel?” Cas breathes into the phone. He would recognize that voice anywhere…

“It’s me, little brother.”

Castiel believes himself to be a strong man, but hearing the voice of his big brother on the phone, after almost twenty years of not hearing it, has him slightly choking up.

“Where are you? What happened after you left? Are you alright? How did you know where I was?” Castiel can’t stop the questions pouring out of his mouth.

Gabriel chuckles and feels himself relax a little at his baby brother’s verbal diarrhea- something he’s only ever done around him.

“One question at a time bro.” He teases.

“I’m currently in Palo Alto, California, but I’ve only been here for the past coupla years, before that I was all over the place, Milan than Houston than Chicago and Detroit- you get the picture…”

“How-” Cas had to pause to clear his throat a little. “How did you end up there?” California was a far cry from where they had grown up in Illinois.

“After I left I kinda just wandered around for about two years, worked odd jobs just saving up some money then I jumped on a plane to Europe. Had the time of my life there and learned a thing or two. After I came back to the states I’ve been working in random restaurants and bakeries- I’m a chef now Cassie, if you can believe it. I opened up my shop in Palo Alto three years ago and haven’t looked back since. That’s actually how I found you- through one of my customers, kid named Sam Winchester, said he recognized my name because he knew a cop named Castiel with older brothers named after angels.” He breathed the last part, heart still in pain from the loss of his beloved baby brother.

Castiel was silent for a long time. Simply breathing and letting his mind consume the sound of his brother’s voice. After several quiet minutes his voice came back to him, “I am so happy, for a long time I had thought you were dead and I was too scared to look into it only to find out that my worst fears were correct, but to hear all this from you. Well it is truly a gift from God.”

Gabriel sniffs out a chuckle, “Well what about you? Tell me what happened after I left?”

“I listened to your advice.” Cas tells him only to receive a pleased chuckle in return. “I left for school in August and have not looked back since. I fast tracked and graduated in December when I was twenty-one and was hired as an officer that next January. Soon after that is when I met the Winchesters, I cannot tell you details of why I know them, but at the time I knew there was a reason I was the officer to speak to them, and that encounter is still blessing me even many years later… I was promoted to detective seven years ago and I find my work hard, but overall very satisfying.”

“That’s good Cassie…. That’s really really great. God I missed you so much, but I was so afraid to find out that you’d stayed with them… I just couldn’t…”

“No, I understand. I thought you were dead, but I just didn’t want to confirm it.”

They were both silent for a few minutes, just enjoying the knowledge that the other was alright.

“I missed you so much Cas. Hell I thought about you all the time….”

“I missed you too Gabe, I’m so glad you called me.”

“Me too bro…me too.”


New Years was fast approaching and the plane ticket in Gabriel’s back pocket seemed to be burning a hole through his pants and boxers straight through to light a fire under his ass.

The TASA agent checking him over got tiffed that she had to ask him twice to remove his belt because he was having some trouble concentrating on anything that wasn’t the fact that he would be seeing his little brother for the first time in about twenty years in just over 3 hours.

He boarded the plane in a daze, and to the disgruntlement of the stewardess had to be asked to turn his phone off three times.

Gabriel chews on his lip, then the inside of his cheek, and the right side of his tongue intermittently until his jaw aches with it, but at this point he doesn’t care. He’ll take anything to distract him from the anxiety of seeing his brother. He doesn’t know why he’s so nervous. It’s just Cas….it’s just Cas….


Castiel stares manically at the flight boards watching for the second Gabriel’s flight lands.

His palms are sweaty and he wipes them on his neatly pressed khaki pants.

He pulls at the neck of his light blue sweater, wondering if anyone else in the terminal thinks it’s as hot in there as he does. He assumes they don’t since most are speaking leisurely to their travel companions or are severely self-absorbed in their cell phones.

Castiel glances back at the board to see that Gabriel’s plane has landed. Castiel moves to stand by the gate, hoping, praying to recognize his brother among the faces of those getting wearily off the plane.

Castiel catches a glimpse of caramel hair and heart stops, he takes a tentative step forward only to realize that the person with the caramel locks is a woman in her mid-twenties wearing too little clothes for it being late December.

“Checkin’ out the hottie?” A loud voice asks from right next to Castiel’s ear.

He jumps and turns to face the voice- his azure eyes meeting a rich sherry. Those eyes that still dance with laughter, a laughter that their father could never beat out of them.

Castiel thinks he gasps, but it could have been either one of them.

“It’s good to see you Cassie.” Gabriel’s voice is uncharacteristically rough with unshed tears.

And finally, finally, Castiel is back where he’s always wanted to be. Laughing and crying in his big brother’s arms. Arms that still hold him tight and make him feel safe even though he can tell that he’s grown taller than his brother. Arms that squeeze the breath out of him, but that also somehow make it so much easier to draw breath then it has been for the past seven-teen years. Arms that are home.

The brothers pull back to look at each other. After so many lonely years, so long not belonging they’ve found what they had even though their parent’s never taught it to them. That deep, instinctual love of families that no one ever has to teach you. You just damn well know it in your gut.

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spn, watchtower!verse, character: castiel, character: gabriel

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