Aug 04, 2005 21:02
stolen from chris...
i figured it was a good thing to do, there's a lot of people on my friends list that i don't know too well yet, nor do they really know me too much.
so, here ya go!
[First job]: real paid job? coldstone...
[First screen name]: ezales thanks dad. :-\
[First funeral]: grandmother on my father's side..i was 10.
[First pet]: i was born into a household with 2 cats...MY first pet was a cat named joanne. :-) what a sweet creature she was...she turned me on to cats...
[First piercing/tattoo]: first piercing... i think it was during oliver...soo...frosh summer or summer into soph? i have no idea..too lazy to think.
[First credit card] i just applied for two today.
[First Kiss]: damn you truth or dare at karolina's house...damn you angela!
[First one that mattered]: well, it was with beckie...
[First true love]: waiting to see what comes in life.
[First enemy]: dave berger in 5th grade...that never changed actually.
[First big trip]: disney...3rd grade.
[First concert]: counting crows with manda...
[First musician you remember hearing in your house]: probably eric clapton...but with my parents, ANY kind of classic rock...
[First room color]: antique white i think it's an off-white color.
[First crush]: i have no idea...
[First time drunk]: when i visited my friends at brett hall.
[First grade teacher]: Mrs. Collins...she was...utterly amazing. she got my reading..kudos to her!
[Last car ride]: uhh lunch yesterday at villa victoria with steve.
[Last magazine you read]: probably looking at old inquests.
[Last card game played]: hearts on my laptop...
[Last call]: talking to trish.
[Last kiss]: oh, i remember now...:-) he's in dem, i'll say that.
[Last library book checked out]: i actually remember this! we had to do a biography on someone..i picked a random was on this sugarcane planter/reeper in cuba. semi interesting.
[Last beverage drank]: Arizona iced tea.
[Last food consumed]: chinese take out. everyone was too miserable to cook.
[Last time showered]: yesterday afternoon. not going out today, so why bother?
[Last CD played]: Franz Ferdinand-Franz Ferdinand. <3
[Last annoyance]: crappy happenings.
[Last soda drank]: some strawberry soda thing at lunch yesterday.
[Last ice cream eaten]: some ice cream bar i found in my freezer earlier today. i like chocolate when i feel down.
[Last shirt worn]: a pinkish t-shirt...i've been wearing it since yesterday..whoot!
1. How did Kurt Cobain's death affect you: ::shrugs:: oh well. not a good way to go though...
2. How many CD's do you own?:not too many, i download usually.
3. How many CD clubs do you belong to?: no..just no...
4. What is the most embarassing CD in your collection?: sugar beats songs for kids!
5. Do you still listen to it?: i should, like, right now...
6. What CD did you buy because you only liked one song but you ended up loving the whole CD?: Evanescence-Fallen. I got it for bring me to life...and it had a different version from the one i had downloaded...i like the bliss mix version more oddly enough.
7. What CD did you buy that was a total waste of money?: (why i won't download them)
8. How old were you when you first started getting into music?: ::shrugs:: past few years, i've gotten very into it.
9. Can you play an instrument?: clarinet..and my voice somewhat. i was invited to audition for glee club. i think i might wait til the 2nd semester...
10. What song(s) do you always get stuck in your head?: anything modern and catchy...
11. What song can you just not stand?: beastie boys stuff...that voice bothers me..
12. What group should be banned from the music scene?: ::shrugs:: everyone has their claim to fame, just let it be...
14. What group do you listen to that no one else seems to like?: Lordi. some finnish heavy metal band.,..found em because part of their music video was on a video i downloaded on kazaa. kinda interesting actually...not that everyone else doesn't like them. nobody's heard of em...
15. What got you hooked on your all-time favorite group?: the songs on the cd? wtf?
16. When was the last time you bought a cassette?: hahahha i have no idea.
17. Rock/Pop: rock..with a poppish tinge.
18. Rap/R&B: hmmm...only a fan of select instances in each. what i like, i like.
19. Guitar/Piano: i would know guitar by now, my father kept pushing it..i just got bored...
20. Video/Audio: video, definitely. i'm an eyesight kinda person...
21. CD/Cassette: umm no, just no.
22. Sing Along/Listen: sing along...:-)
23. Acoustic/Electric: ooo..this is tough...this is really really tough. i can't decide.
24. Do you ever buy CDs for the cover & the curiosity of the design on the CD itself?: too expensive to do that.
26. Do you focus more on the beat or the lyrics?: beat/music.
27. Do you listen to music you can relate to or just whatever sounds good?: sounds good...i don't always relate. can i relate to "michael" by franz ferdinany? oh wait, yes i can...
28. Do curses in music bother you?: no, if it fits, it's cool. i remember a big hubbub when the evanescence live CD used korn's thoughtless....they say shit in it..oooo! how dare they?!?!?
29. Do you turn it up when your favorite song comes on?: it's always loud...
30. Does any song remind you of events you've experienced?: yeah?
*Have you ever*
1. Kissed your cousin: i have cousins? oh right..the religious people in california, the computer guy somewhere in this state, and the japs in texas..oo ooooh. heh, i'm so kind.
2. Ran away: from home? err no...
3. Pictured your crush naked: hell fucking yes.
5.Broken someone's heart: i didn't think i did..but i was told otherwise.
6. Been in love: not fully sure..but i'm leaning
7. Cried when someone died: yes...yes...yes. :-(
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: that's a little thing called life.
9 Broken a bone: bruised my rib..didn't break it though.
10. Lied: i think everyone has to some extent...
11. Cried in school: on a school trip...disney...the morning of april 18th.
otherwise, grammar school, lol. gym class...i had a penalty/banning against me cause i kept accidentally high sticking in hockey..i was so unhappy...:-(
12. Coke or Pepsi: Coke for sure...
13. Sprite or 7UP: 7UP...
14. Girls or Guys: Guys. not just what i like...but, they're not as emotional...not always true i might add....but, guys are better. no offense meant to the ladies though, heh sorry.
15. Flowers or candy: i have never gotten flowers from a lover...i think i'd be putty in their hands if i got them...
16. Scruff or Clean shaved: mm stubble...believe me, i like stubble.
19. Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes mainly. but blondes hold a certain foreign attraction...i like punk dyed hair kinda colors too. blue is hot in my book.
20. Bitchy or Slutty: slutty ends up being more fun...
21. Tall or Short: well, considering a person i'm attracted to literally towers over me, and i'm just about 6' decide. :-)
22. Pants or Shorts: i love my jeans...i have far too many actually.
23. Your Good Luck Charm: certain pendants/rings/jewelry.
24. Person You Hate Most: who knows really...
25. Best Thing That Has Happened: i'm sad at the moment so life seems utterly crappy. but this is not thing...most likely getting the classes i've been waiting for at least 8 years to take, in college in the fall.
26. Color: Crimson's so..wild and emotional. it conveys such passion. black is also quite attractive to me...
27. Movie: I can always watch the witches again and again..oo and then there's rocky horror. :-D
28. Subject in school: english...mythology more specifically.
35. Juice: hmmm orange juice i think.
36. Cars: my metallic amethyst pearl 98 dodge neon is quite nice....but i would love a jeep at some point...the same color though, it's so cool in the sunlight.
37. Food: i enjoy, many different kinds...
41. Song: can't even begin to pick...
43. Makes you laugh the most: steve? (knipping i mean)
43. Makes you the funniest: nicely worded...matt thinks i'm amusing.
44. Makes you smile the most: my friends...
45. Can make you feel better no matter what: i don't know...
46. Has a crush on you: i know of a few...
47. Do you have a crush on: someone..:-)
50. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: more like an IM...
51. Save AOL conversations: on private lj updates..if it's imporant enough.
52. Save Emails: again, i'll put it on lj if it's important..
53. Wish you were someone else: err occasionally, but what's the point of that?
54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no thanks...i like having a penis.
60. Kissed the same sex?: ummm i think everyone knows the answer to this.
61. Fallen for your best friend?: yes, but you learn to get over it...
62. Made out with JUST a friend?: spin the bottle before...
63. Been rejected?: to some extent, i guess.
64. Been in love?:stop repeating these things...
65. Been in lust?: oh dear god, are you people stupid or life revolves around lust and sexual feelings...
66. Used someone?: yes.
67. Been used: umm i don't know...probably, i just didn't know...
68. Cheated on someone?: the relationship lasted 3 or 4 days...i did other wasn't cheating. not in my book anyway.
69. Been cheated on?: hey, i said it would be okay...
70. Been kissed: i'm getting bored of this quiz already...this is what happens when different quizzes are combinded haphazardly...
71. Done something you regret?: yes, just first regret in a long while...
72. You touched?: my father. hey, he's hurting...i'd rather him not be TOTALLY miserable. just semi...
73. You talked to?: parents....
74. You hugged?: i need need NEED a hug right now....
75. You instant messaged?: Brian.
76. You kissed?: stop talking already.
77. You had sex with?: "don't hate, masturbate." i'm in no hurry for intercourse...
78. You yelled at?: my parents.
80. Who broke your heart?:....stop this repetitive crap.
81. Told you loved?: i don't even remember...i would like to at some point..if all goes well, then yes, i'll say it...
82. Heard I love you From: i'd like to hear that.
82. Color your hair?: color OF my hair? brown, with copper highlights (all natural i assure you)
83. Have tattoos: i already answered this
84. Have piercings?: already answered!
85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?: waiting to see what september brings...:-)
86. Own a webcam?:that would be nice...
87. Own a thong?: i have a g-string i bought at spencer's...i was bored. i've worn it before to school, no one saw though..heh, silly me.
88. Ever get off of the damn computer?: no.
89. Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: "do you speak german?" i think it says...the answer is nope...greek, i'm working on though...
90. Habla espanol?: there's a reason i dropped the kinda bored me...
91. Quack?: are we at a park or something? MEOW says the cat that will eat that duck...
*Have you/do you/are you*
92. Stolen anything?: coldstone ice cream. heh.
93. Smoke?: tried it. ::shrugs:: i'll probably become a casual smoker...
94. Schizophrenic?:don't think so...
95. Obsessive?: i'm an aries, come on now...
96. Compulsive?: it's fun.
97. Obsessive compulsive?: not especially....
98. Panic?: occasionally...
99. Anxiety?: a tad.
100. Depressed?: down a little at the moment, but i'll live.