Live and Direct episode #6 is up. I attended the protest on Sunday and interviewed locals about activism and protesting, specifically regarding the ongoing war and the Bush administration's intent.
poeticdream said, I asked for callers and I seem to have gotten "the only pro-Bush Republican in Maine". Her quotes are priceless (for instance, I'm not sure how I'll see how great of a president Bush was after we've all been bombed to death...)
Here's the full quote from the caller:
I'm a Republican, and I think George Bush is the best president we've ever had, and this is all just a bunch of crap.
Let me just say: George Bush is only against slackers and sinners and terrorists, so if you don't like him, which one of the three are you?
Twenty years from now when they blow us all up, you'll remember that, and you'll say George Bush was a good president.