dear escape artist kitties of mine

Dec 18, 2005 17:26

dear sidney,

i'm glad you came to me after you ran outside. i was worried that you had run off. i was disappointed in your choice of hiding places, however: under the deck. so... mundane and expected, really. and thank you for coming right up to me, rather than making me chase you around with the baby in my other arm. i apologize that she scared you after i picked you up, so no hard feelings about the claw tracks on my face.

i'm sorry your feet got dirty and you were cold, but that's what happens when you run outside. don't do it again!


dear speedwell,

thank you for being concerned about sidney and going to look for her. i appreciate that. i'd appreciate it, however, if you'd leave the cat-rescuing to the humans who aren't also as scared of the big outdoors as the cat they are trying to find.

points for merely hiding out on the second deck and mewing pathetically till robin found you, that made it much easier. next time, stay inside and sound the alarm. it'll be much more rewarding, and i'll give you scritches, i promise.


(x-posted to note_to_cat)

escape, cats, speedwell, eek, sidney

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