Feb 27, 2008 21:43
Yeah so the NOFX show last night kicked ass.
I had a 3 hour drive from Corpus to Houston to get myself psyched up for the show. And I did just that cranking up all the NOFX & No Use For A Name albums on my iPod (Which is damn near all of them.) I got to the show right after the Latch Key Kids came one. Found Tony, Mark & Raven and basically hung out and drank beer until No Use came on.
Latch Key Kids and Flatliners were alright. Not much of a pit formed for either of them. But that gave me a chance to look around at the crowd and note FOR ONCE I WASN'T THE OLDEST MOTHER FUCKER IN THE HOUSE!!!! WOOT!!! No Use came on and rocked then house, and a nice pit formed...until the jocks joined in. They apparently didn't know the rule of "if some one falls in the pit, pick them up." I also took an elbow to the back of the head in that pit. There was also this one fucker who was just randomly pushing people into the pit. He wasn't even in it himself...he was like, three people back, and pushing people into the pit. He chilled out, though, after he tried to push me in while I was catching my breath and saw me turn and cock my fist back to deck him.
Then NOFX came on. Chaos. there was a pit in the middle of the crowd and anything in front of that forget about standing. Everybody was just so amped up and moving around that it was like being in the ocean in the middle of a storm...you just had to go with it. The Jocks must have stayed back during NOFX too because the pit for them was pretty good though out most of the set.
It was awesome. I couldn't have asked for a better set. The Seperation of Church and SkateLenoliumLeaving Jesusland and 3 songs into their set the played The Decline which for those of you who don't know is and 18 minute song. And one of my favorite ones too.
There were titties too. Titties were being exposed, which led to Hefe cracking the same joke that he did on their last live record about "This is what happens to a girl when her father doesn't pay enough attention to her." Fat mike called him on it too. And as an inside joke to Minky & Mayumi...she had nice nipples. They're weren't perfect, but they were very nice, well propotioned and all that.
My favorite joke from Fat Mike though was "Uh-Oh! The drummers clicking his sticks together, that means Fat Mike's been talking too long. I guess we should play a song now." The joke came up a couple more times during the show too.
Also when they were playing The Brews Smelly jumped up from behind the drum kit and tacked Mike. Some other dude started playing drums & Melvin was singing, so they kept playing the song while Mike & Smelly wrestled around on stage. Some of the stage hands were about to break up the fight until both men got up and let them know that they were just fucking around.
They wrapped up about midnight and I started my drive back to Corpus. I had no voice I was exhausted, my arms & legs are bruised all over and I'm lucky I didn't come into work with a black eye this morning, though honestly I think that would have been kinda cool.
Can't wait for saturday to see them again with Mike. It's going to be fun.
Fuck spellcheck! I'm being a lazy punk.