OK, so it's been a while...

Feb 28, 2006 12:03

Well I usually don't have anything interesting to say so that's why I don't really post so much any more. Not that my posts from when i did post a lot are interesting. They're mostly just quizzes and blog things and crap. So anyway.

A couple of weeks ago I went up to KC to visit Dennis for his birthday. I had vacation time that I needed to use so I made a week of it. So Sunday I get up there, nothing special since i was driving all day. Monday I went over to Den's, met Alicia, and then we went to get some lunch (we being Dennis, Alicia, Dan, Richard & myself). We all piled in my car and proceeded to make fun of the directions that Dennis got off of Mapquest. We made fun of the directions because it took us trough a neighborhood in KC near the plaza to get to the place. Anyway, it was fun. And then later we went to dinner; which, I'm sorry Dennis, was pretty bad. The service was awful, they forgot my order and my Mom's order so while every one else could start eating we had to wait for them to cook our food. And then mine still came out burnt. Oh well Cet la Ve.

The rest of the week was fun but uneventful, I hung out with friends more, and I had lunch with some former coworkers. And then Thursday I went to see Less Than Jake. I was in town when they were so Dan twisted my arm to go. He had to twist for all of 2 seconds I think. At any rate we missed to first band, and then we saw Rock N Roll Soldiers. They weren't too bad. I kind of liked the music, but man their appearance tuned me off. And the singer had this obsession with the drummers kick drum. He was constantly trying to stand on it. At one point he even pulled the mike stand back and stood on the bass drum, playing guitar, completely doubled over so he could sing while standing on the drum. And during their last song He took the drum away from the drummer. Weird.

So A Whilhelm Scream came up next, and they put on a solid if not to memorable set. Less than jake came out and kicked ass. Even if they did unfairly make fun of me for the 10-20 seconds that I had my arms crossed. It was cold outside, I had to keep track of a jacket, I couldn't go jump in the pit. Beside we were at the front of the raised section at the Grenada so we could see pretty well. And i was livelier than most everybody around me for the rest of the set, but alas they made fun of me anyway.

Came home and had an uneventful week.

So last night I get to go see Less Than Jake again in concert. Again we miss the first band. Rock N Roll Soldiers played better this time. And the singer wasn't AS obsessed with the kick drum. He only stood on it once, though again during the last song he took it away from the drummer, but this time he passed it out to the audience. What is with that guy? So A Wilhelm Scream come on, and a pit tries to form, but Houston audiences suck so they all ran away and left more than twice the amount of space needed for this pit. From previous experience I know this is about as good as I'm going to get so I jump in. this was a little more like fight dancing (as Tony would call it) than moshing because you couldn't just bounce around and slam into each other since there was too much space given. So in this "fight dance pit" I get popped in the throat, and lost my razor charm off of my necklace. It also made it hard to breath for a little while. So I leave the pit and move up front.

So then LTJ comes on and I'm up front as usual, they fucking rocked. And then I look behind me and notice something strange...


So I left the front and went into the pit. It was a complete and total blast, I haven't had that much of a work out in a while since I pretty much only left the pit to catch my breath. Though sometimes the pit was tricky because parts of the floor were slippery, which made the circle pit kind tricky, I slipped and landed on one of my knees, but it didn't start hurting until after the show. Great show. Lots of fun. Less Than Jake played pretty much the exact same set they did in Lawrence, all they way down the the medley of "old shit" that they played. I'm not sure if it was the exact same set, because I can't recite in order the songs I heard at a a concert, like some people *cough*Kat*cough* but it could have been.

And Minky gave me the A Peoples History of Less Than Jake DVD, thank you Minkster, I haven't watched it yet, but I'm sure it'll kick ass. And I also blame Rob, and then Mike. I had to go pick up Guitar Hero. You bastards. as if I didn't have enough addictions in my life. YOUR PUSHERS! THE BOTH OF YOU! SHOWING ME NEW ADDICTIVE THINGS! So yeah, I'm enjoying that, though right now I'm stuck trying to maser "Fat Lip" witch is irritating the HELL out of me right now. I think I can hear Dan laughing as he reads this.

So that's it in a nutshell. Taking the day off, I saw the Dentist this morning and I'll be getting my takes done this afternoon.

Friday May 26th, The Epoxies are in Houston. So if I'm thinking right and that's the weekend of A-Kon, I'll have to show up a day late.

concert, less than jake

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