well everyone i finally finished the tweaking of my wavetable bank and the player is now finished.
the quality is really nice for a software wavetable midi player. again its been over 18 years starting it around 1995. started it on a old 486 and moved up.
im going to include full song demos here. and yes these are from actual midis. it took some time to convert these to demo to you so enjoy :)
http://pelicanpc.com/rif_fox/Mi%20mancherai.mp3http://pelicanpc.com/rif_fox/Autumn%20Medley.mp3http://pelicanpc.com/rif_fox/Broadway%20Medley%205.mp3http://pelicanpc.com/rif_fox/jb-jimmy%20jamfs%20blues.mp3 hope you like this it was alot of fun making the thing. now what to do with it now. some told me to sell it.. right now it runs in a dos environment so it will open a dosbox for max performance.
for now im going to keep it for myself. i might even use it to produce future songs for videos and or even maybe for my little project i was going to do. :)