Planned Parenthood

May 05, 2012 22:58

Wow, decided that while I was back I would go ahead and read around and see how people are doing and if they are still posting. And I find that the LJ Staff is supporting and trying to raise funds for Planned Parenthood. Wow. It should be no surprise that you won't find any donations coming from me. My opinion on the matter should also be no big shock. Considering that the hubby and I have struggled with not being able to have children and then have had to go through one expensive procedure after another just to get pregnant it should be no big surprise that I am a pro-life supporter. Not that I am going to attack people over what decisions they make in their life, but much like many other things I don't agree with I am not going to support them either on the decisions they make.

Here is the thing, many pro-choice arguments stem around the idea that a woman's body is her own and she should be able to decide what happens with it. But here is another fact, sex is not only fun but it tends to make babies. Basically it brings people into the world. And at the point that a woman decides to have sex she opens herself to the possibility of babies. Simple solution, stop screwing around. If you don't want a baby then don't do the deed. Or get your tubes tied. Don't say, "Well I want to have fun and I shouldn't have to deal with the consequences because they might ruin my life." Because once you get pregnant it is not just about you anymore, it is no longer completely your body now you share it with another person for a time and it is all due to your choice. Because if that pregnancy goes full term and if you have a kid that kid will be a person. And I can guarantee you that if you don't want the baby there are many couples out there who do.

That all being said there are situations where I could understand abortions, rape, incest, if the mother's life is in danger. And I can understand that having abortion clinics helps to keep back street alley abortions from happening. But when it comes down to it, you are still killing something that would have been a human if you had given birth to them.

Ok, go ahead, un-friend me, you know you want to. And truthfully at this point I really don't care, I hardly check here anymore anyway. So truthfully it really doesn't matter anyway.
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