
May 19, 2010 16:52

What a vacation! Fun, stressful, and full of cute kids. So on last Tuesday (May 11th) I had the embryo transfer, which went great! Then we got everything ready and drove out to my parent's house. My sister arrived later that evening. Got to see my grandparents, which went well, thank goodness. Between last Tuesday and this Tuesday I: Spent a lot of great time with my sister and her cutie Sydney, spent a lot of time with my brother and my sister in law and their cutie Carli, went with my mom to a mammogram that didn't happen, found out that while we were gone to said appointment that Kevin and my brother had gotten into a fight that my dad joined and that Kevin didn't want to stay anymore, ended up fixing things between Kevin and my brother and dad ensuring that we could stay, went to church with my family, went swimming with my family, played Frisbee with my family at the park, got family pictures taken, watched a lot of movies and caught the cold that my sister had. Now I have a really bad cold, ironically hers was really mild.

Went back to work today, had to go home early and based on how I feel when I wake up tomorrow I may not go in tomorrow. Feel like crap. Tired and needing to hit up ACE for Kevin. Wanted to post an update on everything. Oh and the shots have been going well. Because we ice up the shots don't hurt going in, but the next day my butt feels super bruised.

invetro, update

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