A Letter to the Fans

Oct 26, 2010 01:35

Via: Ryan & Kaleena
Hey Rieslings (Yes, that’s what you fans are called now!),

Wow. What a difference a year can make, huh? It seems like only yesterday we were posting videos upon YouTube… and here we are on Syfy.com. For us, it’s amazing to know that all the hard work paid off.

But the people we really want to thank is you. The one’s who’ve supported us from the beginning, who fell in love with the world we’ve created and continually throw your support behind us. More than anything, it’s because of you that we’ve been able to take Riese as far we have.

Much like Riese, however, the journey isn’t over yet.

As has been said in the press, Syfy is very keen to see how Riese performs as a webseries to determine whether it continues as additional web content or moves to television. That means it’s incredibly important to get as many eyes on the show as possible. But, we have an advantage that most shows don’t - we’re online! So passing the word along, and keeping the buzz going, is incredibly easy.

That’s why we’re asking you - our fans, and the ones who will ultimately decide the fate of Riese - to help us continue to get word out about the show. Share the videos on your Facebook pages, twitter it, write blog posts, reach out to the press, or even let Syfy know that you want more Riese. Every little bit helps, as it only takes a drop to create a wave.

We’re keen to keep telling this story for you, and hope you’ll continue to support us along this journey. Without you, Riese would remain a lone wanderer. But with you, she has the power to take on the world.

Now, let’s make this the best online launch ever!

Ryan and Kaleena

Note from me: Even if you can't currently watch Riese because of possible geo-blocking, think about passing it on to someone who can.

people: ryan copple, people: kaleena kiff

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