Stargate Universe Producer/Writer Joseph Mallozzi just posted a
Q&A with Patrick Gilmore (Trennan) on his blog. Below the cut you will find the questions and answers regarding Riese.
50. And about “Riese the Series”. Great WebSeries. How did you learn about “Riese”? (Nina K.P.) / Was it a regular casting or are you part of the creating team? (Nina K.P.)
PG: Kaleena Kiff, one of the creators, approached me about casting the project. Through the casting process the producers and I developed a relationship. When all was said and done they wrote Trennan for me and just asked me to join. I had no idea what the scale of ‘Riese’ would be, but I loved the crew and would have done anything for them. I’ve been so lucky, the show has exceeded my expectations, and they’ve become great friends.
51. Can you see through your Riese eye-gadget? (Delynn)
PG: I couldn’t for Ch.1, so I rehearsed a Bo-Staff fight scene with a patch over my eye for Ch.2. But production actually made a new eyepiece that I can now see through and has a functional iris.
52. Do you enjoy the web series concept? What’s the future for it? (Chevron7)
PG: It’s still so new to me. The great thing about the web series is that there are fewer cooks in the kitchen. The creators can still maintain 100% creative control. Though if Riese were ever brought to TV, it would bring in a wider audience.
53. When will we see more of REISE the web series? (Sheryl)
PG: The first episode of Chapter 2 was released in early February, but all episodes had to be pulled because Riese is inking a deal with a distribution company and until all the paperwork is done we’ll have to wait. But the deal is great news for Riese, it’ll be distributed overseas and hopefully with your support we’ll film Chapter 3 soon.
70. I met you [at the LA Con after Ryan Robbins was on stage.] How did you guys get to know each other? (Arctic Goddess)
PG: I work as a casting reader when I can, and I’ve met and acted opposite countless Vancouver actors. I met Ryan this way and then we worked together in a short film called ‘The Masculine Mystique.’ We became fast friends and it’s exciting to have him on Riese.