Riese Episodes Taken Down Temporarily

Feb 05, 2010 02:59

From RiesetheSeries.com:
"As the new year rolls around, we’ve had a lot of developments with the show that we’ve been itching to tell you about. First of all, as you’ve already seen, Chapter 2’s episodes are new and improved, with higher production values, exciting story and some really amazing cast additions. Also, we’re nearly finished with the development of our iPhone game tie-in.  Without giving too many details away, I think you’ll all be really excited.
We also recently partnered with Fireworks, a digital distribution branch of ContentFilm, based out of the UK. They’re largely responsible for the transition of the webseries Valemont from internet to television, and they handle a number of many other well-known webseries as well.
What does this mean for Riese? It opens up a number of opportunities. For one, it increases the chances that we can keep making this show and letting you become further involved in the world of Riese. Additionally, it boosts the possibility of us being able to distribute the series on other platforms (episode downloads, DVDs, and television).
Now, for the bad news. While Fireworks is negotiating deals on our behalf, we’ve had to remove our episodes from online streaming. We’re not happy about it by any means - we want all of our fans to enjoy Riese whenever they want - but we also understand that it’s a necessary move in order to keep a project like Riese afloat. The few of us that are responsible for producing Riese on a day-to-day basis are realistic that we cannot sustain it without the support of Fireworks and our viewers.
We hope to have everything back up as soon as possible, and we’ll keep everyone posted as we move forward. I know a lot of people will be bummed out, but just know that this slight delay could mean a whole new future for Riese. We don’t want to disappoint you all, but I know you’d be even more disappointed if we left the rest of this epic tale untold.
Thanks for being a part of something that’s been incredibly dear to us, and for helping to turn it into something greater than we could have ever imagined. We hope to have your continued support during this brief hiatus. In the meantime, look for bonus behind-the-scenes videos from our newest episodes.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at ryan (at) riesetheseries(dot)com.

Ryan Copple & Kaleena Kiff
Creators of Riese"

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