Slightly Less Quick Project - Full Head Form

Jun 21, 2012 21:18

I decided I couldn't leave off at yesterday's project post of the chignon form, and went ahead with Lynn McMasters' instructions on how to make a full head form.

After some adjustments with the PDF and my printer, I was able to use standard 8.5 x 11 paper.

This pattern had four pieces (two each of the head sides and center portion), so it required three seams instead of yesterday's two.  I cut out the pieces from the same blue twill, and set to work notching the curves and pinning the two sides separately.

Next, I stitched each side separately, then pinned the two halves together.  After stitching the two halves, the whole thing looked rather like a deflated punching bag.  The bottom right photo shows it turned right side out and ready for stuffing.

Once again, I utilized paper shreds for stuffing.  I didn't want to have the problem from the previous form of unfilled curves, so after each handful I went in and made sure all of the seams were properly expanded.  Gripping the neck of the partially filled form like a sack helped press the shreds into place.  The fully filled head had a somewhat dubious shape, but I figured I could go back later and fix that.

The base was circular this time, rather than oval.  I cut the front pieces a little shorter than recommended by the pattern, so the neck opening was larger than indicated.  It measured roughly 4.5 inches in diameter, so I cut out three corrugated cardboard circles to this size.  Alternating directions of the grain, I hot glued them together, then pulled the edges of the fabric around the base and hot glued them down.

This head ended up weighing only a few ounces more than the partial form, at just over a pound.  Not too shabby.

At first I was disturbed by the blobby, uneven look, but then I realized the pattern pieces were shaped to create a slightly protruding "back" of the head.  A little bit of squeezing around the "neck" and gently shaping of the top of the head created a smoother and more finished appearance.

I did end up having to reinforce a couple of the seams at the lower neck edge that had been overly strained during the stuffing process.

Displaying a capote work in progress.  You may recognize the straw salvaged from this deconstructed hat I previously posted about.

Final Thoughts?

A bit more work than the previous form, but a whole lot better looking overall.  This one has an actual "head" shape and a "neck", allowing for display of hats that rely on the back of the head.  Also larger in circumference (approximately 22 inches versus 18 on the chignon form).

Filling this one was a bit trickier due to the more curved seams and used a few handfuls more of the paper shreds.

Once complete, I can look at it and definitely know it should be a head form.  The one I did before looks more like a milliner's shaping block - not a bad thing by any means, but limited in what I can display on it.

Total time elapsed: still less than an hour.

I may make a few more of these so I don't have bonnets stacked on my dresser.

accessories, hairpiece, wig, millinery

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