LJ Interests meme results
- and your mom... (shit:
this appears to be 2.
I'll start with the 'shit'. Once and not so long ago my dad and I spent an entire afternoon figuring out the approximate weight (give or take a few hundred thousand sick or starving children) of SHIT accumulated over 24 hrs in India based on the most recent population stats. My dad, being 50, can quickly and easily calculate large equations just in his head. Still preferring pounds to kilograms too. Anyways, it wasn't a pretty number. In fact, it's scary. Where does it all go? And as for your MOM, well, I probably already did her and tell the bitch to stop calling. - dancing:
I think its a gay thing. Just give me some E and you'll see. - drugs:
I don't know what the fuck 'freedom' is but these feel pretty darn close. - queers:
The first time I ever 'came' in someones mouth was with a queer. heck, it was the first time I 'came' period. - skids:
Us, down here, who row the boat are far better dressers. hands down. - :
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I've never had to explain myself like that before. Who created that quiz? some fuckin cop?
So fuck anyways.
The worst has happened and now it is apparent to everyone that I am much stronger than both my parents combined. Even now, with all the convicting evidence, the abuse, I still will not believe it. For I'm strong only because I have survived. I have endured hell because of them all through my 22 years of living and still they ask me for more. Everything good has been stolen from me here and I have barely enough heart left for my brothers. So I'm taking off. I can not give anymore.
My whole entire history has been a dirty mess of unfair trade and for them to see the end of this would be my last gift.
The fair trade being me, as an example, for the lead into a future I have visualized worth much more.