Ha ha

Oct 03, 2007 02:48

White Phoenix214: ((I'm gonna go to bed. I'm tired. ;l ))
traydons panties: [ okiii ]
traydons panties: [ go go ]
traydons panties: [ -was harassing noobs- ]
White Phoenix214: ((You go to bed too. D< ((
White Phoenix214: (( XD ))
White Phoenix214: ((I remember you saying you were tired. XD ))
traydons panties: [ yes i am -dead tired-
White Phoenix214: ((Then go to bed. D< ))
traydons panties: [ but im so lazy ]
White Phoenix214: ((Do it or I won't tell you the super awesome news for tomorrow. D= ))
traydons panties: [ i want to know]
traydons panties: [ now ]
traydons panties: [ what the news is ]
White Phoenix214: (( XD ))
White Phoenix214: ((I've decided even if some people aren't around anymore I still want friends to come over on the 20th (a Saturday) for my birthday. ^^ ))
White Phoenix214: ((I already asked Ed, and told him to ask Mandi and Erik. ;o ))
traydons panties: [ you see, if i go over your house for your bday ]
traydons panties: [ i'll have to bring a gift ]
traydons panties: [ like a real gift ]
White Phoenix214: ((Pff))
traydons panties: [ and i'm always so bad with real gifts i'll end up giving you a lego nazi ]
White Phoenix214: ((I don't care 'bout no gifts. D< ))
White Phoenix214: ((I donno why people stress over that junk. =l I'm happy having people over. ))
traydons panties: [ i will get you the most bogus shit ]
traydons panties: [ and you'll sit there and go ]
traydons panties: [ what the fuck is that ]
White Phoenix214: (( XD Can't be as bad as getting nothing from your GF. D; ))
traydons panties: [ i was like ifrit? ]
traydons panties: [ then ]
traydons panties: [ OOHHHH]
traydons panties: [ xD ]
White Phoenix214: ((LOL))
White Phoenix214: ((Seriously if you want to do something then like draw something like usual. =o ))
traydons panties: [ bUTTSEX? ]
White Phoenix214: (( XD Sure))
traydons panties: [ irvine going ha ha *strike a pose, wraps an arm around squall* ]
traydons panties: [ and squall all grumpy ]
traydons panties: [ and zell's in the bg HEY WUT ABOUT ME :C ]
White Phoenix214: ((Aweee))
White Phoenix214: ((That's so cute. =o ))
traydons panties: [ ya they cute ]
White Phoenix214: ((think 'bout it though. =o You'd fit in with the rest of us crazies. XD ))
traydons panties: [ ah if only i could get transportation ]
White Phoenix214: ((Kaaaay =o ))
White Phoenix214: ((I have a bus pass. XD ))
traydons panties: [ what that's gay ]
traydons panties: [ im not takin no bus ]
traydons panties: [ i'll get raped ]
White Phoenix214: ((PSh not if I'm around. D< ))
White Phoenix214: ((I'll kick that fuck in the NUTS!))
traydons panties: [ and then i'll get raped by someone else ]
White Phoenix214: ((Seriously I've worked down the street at like 11))
White Phoenix214: ((Just not downtown. XD ))
traydons panties: [ i walk down street at 3am and get raped ]
White Phoenix214: ((we wouldn't be out that late. D; ))
traydons panties: [ ya but i still get raped by ed ]
White Phoenix214: ((LOL))
White Phoenix214: ((LMFAO))
White Phoenix214: ((I'm sorry XD Ed is just one of those people who don't like anyone. Made me lawl))
traydons panties: [ lool ]
traydons panties: [ .. OR MAYBE I'M THE RAPIST? ]
traydons panties: [ <--internet rapist ]
traydons panties: [ <--legal age to be a pedophile ]
White Phoenix214: ((Pff. I'll sit on you. D< ))
traydons panties: [ and i'll be all HURHUR RAEP ]
traydons panties: [ FROM THIS POSITION ]
traydons panties: [ with my mutant dick ]
White Phoenix214: ((lol))
traydons panties: [ because i am a tentacle man ]
White Phoenix214: XD WTF
traydons panties: i will not be able to not comment on your father
traydons panties: i will be like
traydons panties: OH GOD
traydons panties: KNEECAPS
traydons panties: then at your mom
traydons panties: LOL
traydons panties: MEATLOAF
White Phoenix214: XD
White Phoenix214: You can say meatloak, fuck she'll laugh with us. XD
traydons panties: what if i said...
traydons panties: OLD!111
White Phoenix214: Pff, I call her old. XD
traydons panties: MEAN D:
White Phoenix214: Jokingly. D=
traydons panties: yeah but i need to find some sort of ride because im a lazy fuck who cant ride
traydons panties: drive
traydons panties: xD
traydons panties: and even if i could i refuse to drive to philly
traydons panties: and get raped
White Phoenix214: There's like three weeks to sort this shit out. XD
traydons panties: we had weeks before remember
traydons panties: and
White Phoenix214: You had school
traydons panties: infact you were like2hrs away and still didnt see each other
traydons panties: xD
traydons panties: i was playing ff11
traydons panties: xD
White Phoenix214: And lost my number. XP
traydons panties: that too
traydons panties: :c
White Phoenix214: =o
White Phoenix214: I remember it now. =D
White Phoenix214: /dance
traydons panties: gay
traydons panties: xD
White Phoenix214: XD
traydons panties: i want to dress up as my gaia avatar
traydons panties: and go to your house
traydons panties: fo serious
traydons panties: fairy wings and shit
White Phoenix214: lol
traydons panties: wearing my apron and dress
traydons panties: HI C:
White Phoenix214: You wouldn't be the first. XD
traydons panties: DONT WORRY
traydons panties: IM FROM THE INTERNET
White Phoenix214: Di brought cat ears and fairy wings once. D;
White Phoenix214: Shoved the wings on Ed and made him go upstairs. D;
White Phoenix214: He was to pleased.
traydons panties: im afraid to go D:
traydons panties: i will get raped
traydons panties: xD
traydons panties: where in philly is this
traydons panties: is this rapist alley
White Phoenix214: No. D<
White Phoenix214: I'm in the north east.
White Phoenix214: Mayfair. =D
traydons panties: i'm someone who believes every street of philly is rapist alley
White Phoenix214: lol
traydons panties: because big cities==gangsters and rape
traydons panties: do you live on the river with the boat houses
White Phoenix214: We have no alleys here. XD Just driveways lol
White Phoenix214: That's downtown. D=
traydons panties: oh man is that rapist alley
White Phoenix214: XD
White Phoenix214: I'm not in dowtown. lol
traydons panties: im not going to philly with my grandmother driving
traydons panties: we'll both get raped
traydons panties: and i dont want to see that
traydons panties: or think it
traydons panties: or imagine it
White Phoenix214: Eww
traydons panties: or anything it
traydons panties: your mom can protect me with meatloaf-jutsu
White Phoenix214: Could always try that 'meet you at the half way point' shit again.
traydons panties: where is this half way point
traydons panties: xD
White Phoenix214: I think it was cherry hill mall. XD
traydons panties: man that's gay
White Phoenix214: Not exactly close to here either. XP
traydons panties: fuck that
traydons panties: what is close to me
traydons panties: uhhh
traydons panties: a porn store
traydons panties: some rapists
White Phoenix214: kik
traydons panties: a beer store
White Phoenix214: lol
traydons panties: a mall
White Phoenix214: There's three bars, a 7-11, li'l mall, and a gun shop near me. o_o
traydons panties: you know hamilton mall, its big and like 15 mins away from shore mall
traydons panties: a gun shop
traydons panties: man
White Phoenix214: In like five blocks. XD
traydons panties: now i can get raped with guns
traydons panties: thats great
White Phoenix214: lol
White Phoenix214: Feh it's by Shop Rite. >_>;
White Phoenix214: Like right across the street
traydons panties: so you can buy your gun and hold up the shop rite
White Phoenix214: XD
traydons panties: who needs jobs
White Phoenix214: And the bank. lol
White Phoenix214: Is right next to shop Rite. XD
traydons panties: man your mom probably knows what im talking about does she know this area ok
traydons panties: i'm sure one time in your entire life you have drove by the hamilton mall
traydons panties: it is like
traydons panties: impossible to not drive by it
traydons panties: especially if your going to the shore
White Phoenix214: I donno I kinda blank out in the back seat from music/DS/no AC reaches the fucking back and I roast shit
traydons panties: man
traydons panties: wtf wrong with you
traydons panties: xD
White Phoenix214: My Dad's AC sucks. XD
traydons panties: i feel like just giving you my address and telling you to pick me up so you can endure like 2hrs of me in the roasting car
traydons panties: but thats gay
White Phoenix214: I have your address. o_O
traydons panties: and you'd have to like, meet my grandparents, fuck that
White Phoenix214: Yeah gave it like forever ago. XD
traydons panties: gaaaay
White Phoenix214: lol
traydons panties: i'd like sit int he driveway
traydons panties: you drive up
traydons panties: i'll hop in
traydons panties: go
traydons panties: just go
traydons panties: GO
traydons panties: DRIVE
White Phoenix214: lol I donno how to drive. XD
traydons panties: me either this is gay
White Phoenix214: I can drive gokarts. D;
traydons panties: thats good
traydons panties: now bring your gokart ass here
White Phoenix214: XD Yeeeah gokarts down the shore. lol
White Phoenix214: Awe man, I know Dad was rattling off one day 'bout a train.
traydons panties: fuck trains
traydons panties: i'll get raped
White Phoenix214: D<
White Phoenix214: I've riden trains since as far back as I can remember.
traydons panties: i am super weary of every form of public transportation
traydons panties: i am a hermit
White Phoenix214: I've noticed. D=
traydons panties: you will need to really freakin want me there to pry me out of this hole for your bday
traydons panties: like you will be wishing on shooting stars I HOPE ROD ONE DAY STOPS BEING A FUCKING JERK AND VISITS ME C:
traydons panties: and i'll be all
traydons panties: NO
traydons panties: IM PLAYING GAIA
traydons panties: I NEED GOLDS
White Phoenix214: I do wan' ya to come. =< So I don't have to keep going "OH YEAH I KNOW THIS DUD ONLINE"
traydons panties: loool
traydons panties: YA THIS GUY ONLINE
traydons panties: HES FROM THE INTERNET
traydons panties: shit now i want to dress up as a freak and totally do that internet thing
traydons panties: wear a mask
traydons panties: i'll be peter griffon
White Phoenix214: lol
traydons panties: bah im sleepy
traydons panties: dead tired
traydons panties: just get me a personal plane
traydons panties: to land in my driveway
traydons panties: and i'll go
traydons panties: unless the pilot is a rapist
White Phoenix214: Meh, I can argue with you later. XD
traydons panties: k
traydons panties: xD
traydons panties: -sleeeeep-
traydons panties: niniii
White Phoenix214: Niiight!


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