Never Land

May 25, 2005 21:49

i remember my little foot step as i walked to preschool wiht my show and tell i was so excited the my heart skipped fast then my eyes blinked. this was my dad every day he walked me to UPC and i will never forget those it is 11 years later and were all graduating the 8th grade, u never want to grow up and live the life that u are supposed to carry out, u want to stay a kid forever and not have to worry about death or becomeing hurt or loseing friends that u wnt to charish forever. these past 3 days at kealing were the best althought there was some crying, i was able to hold my self together untill some other ppl cracked first then they cryed i cryed and it was a poool of tear, u dont escpect this to happen when u are young i mean com'om boy have cooties at that age, just kidding had to find some humor in this some where, but neways..i should probley stop before i dehidrate myself from crying too much, well hope fully i will see u all again and we can hangout
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