Feb 05, 2005 02:32
today was a bad day in the world of PMS.
so...i went to a show to take photos for my friends and the opening band were piece of shit 15-year-old punk wannabe losers that claimed to have songs about politics, pot, fucking, and love. if i had a gun i seriously would have shot them. they did like 50 songs in 30 minutes but it was more like a 30 minute song that had random pauses to shout "fuck" and "this is gonna cause a riot".
another boy was taking photographs and had a nikon D70, which is top of the bottom of the line, and a decent camera. you know what he was doing with his camera? he was using the damn flash! i've seen him before but today he irritated me. some people are really retarded.
to top it off i was really thirsty when we got back in the car and after finding empty water bottles that lame people dont throw out when they leave my car, i finally found one that wasn't empty and i took a big swig only to spit it out because it was vodka omar must have left in my car! agh. now my freshly washed clothes smell like nail polish vodka.
life is great, pms just tries to ruin it. that little bitch.