Apr 29, 2007 20:06
The 2004 election was a step backwards.
I'm speaking here of the USA. Their politics are terribly interesting to me, in the same way as an episode of Jerry Springer. They've been complaining lately about decreased voter turnout. But it seems to me they should be celebrating it.
Politics is a game for people with too much time on their hands. The facts seem to indicate that the game of Politics is increasing in complexity at an exponential rate. Even the politicians themselves have trouble keeping track of all the issues involved. There is no reasonable way to expect the voting public to have a firm grasp on what the heck is going on at any given moment. Indeed, try looking at an exit poll sometime. The ones that ask 'why' often turn up some darkly disturbing answers-Lovecraftian, even.
The only conclusion one can come to that consoles them about what is heard is that American voters have the functional IQ of celery. For example. One of the main reasons George W. Bush was elected? Many voters will tell you...It's not because they like where he stands, it's because...they like him. He's the Candidate they'd most like to have a beer with. Does anyone see the problem here? The American President is the leader of the free world. By all means, america, don't bother to shoot for the stars, and elect the best and the brightest. He's 'One of you'? FANTASTIC.
Oh, oh. And here's another one I heard. 'I don't approve of the 'Anyone but Bush' mentality'. Now, am I to understand that it's somehow BETTER to vote for someone you think is doing a terrible job rather than a candidate that you might not particularly LIKE, but is less objectionable? I wasn't aware that you were required to be a rabid member of a candidate's personality cult before you were allowed to vote for him.
Face it, democracy is a sham. People don't have time to understand the issues, and they don't vote with their heads, they vote with their hearts. And that's a dangerous move, especially in politics where so much is based on presenting a charming, warm appearance without necessarily needing to be genuine. We should REJOICE that voter turnout is dropping. Maybe one day, the entire electorate will consist of washington intelligencia who understand what's going on, and will elect someone smart enough to run the nation well.
"Democrats seem like the friendliest ones. If you had a flat tire on the side of the road, they'd stop and try and help you change the tire. Though they'd manage to set your car on fire in the Process. Repulicans, on the other hand, would know HOW to change your flat, but they wouldn't stop because then they would be late for Ugly Pants Night at the country club." - Paraphrased from Dave Barry.