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supermanz December 3 2011, 19:06:33 UTC
Weeeeird! I took an IQ test when I was 6, yes it was 6 because I was in 1st grade, and I got a 163! I've taken one that told me 188 but I didn't believe it, I think 160ish is probably closer to right but not like it matters. Because I also have a parent telling me, "How can you be so talented and not be doing anything productive with your life by now?".

It's nice to know you're not alone, not that it helps any obviously. For what it's worth, I wish I had more friends who were at least somewhat cynical, sarcastic, and maybe even a little condescending. I bet we'd get along haha


riding_wildfire December 3 2011, 22:10:27 UTC

You know you were already my hero, right?


riding_wildfire December 3 2011, 22:14:22 UTC
Also, you're had an icon of House I think as long as I've known you, so now that's what I think you look like in my brain.


supermanz December 3 2011, 23:05:43 UTC
I HAVE other icons, a couple with actual pictures of me. But for some reason I have always been attached to the House one. But it IS funny when people from LJ see me and realize I don't look like House. I always apologize for disappointing, I cannot compare to Mr. Laurie.

Of course, I think your icon has been that one for a long time too and I don't think I actually have any idea what you look like haha


riding_wildfire December 4 2011, 02:50:54 UTC
I have other icons, too. Usually I only use them for relevant comedic, sarcastic, cynical, condescending or depressing purposes, though. My regular one is just super-awesome. And I guess maybe I'm built kinda like that when I'm fit, though it's not me, just something I stole from someone else. Never got a fire-wire to upload pics from my old phone to the computer and don't have a data plan now so I'm kinda SOL for the time being on that. Would love to get pics of my horses up here and on Facebook.


riding_wildfire December 4 2011, 03:01:23 UTC
That icon, by the way, is Rags to Riches sticking her pretty little head in front of two-time Horse of the Year Curlin at the finish line of the Belmont Stakes. First time in 150 years a filly won that race, and the last time it happened they were running it at a shorter distance. Been a lot of really outstanding fillies and mares in recent years.


supermanz December 4 2011, 06:18:23 UTC
Your regular icon IS super cool. Why aren't we friends on facebook?!?! :(


supermanz December 3 2011, 23:02:53 UTC
You may have mentioned it before, once or twice. You know how I wish I lived out by you right? All those legit mountains to run and explore. Actually, I was thinking of heading out west this summer for a few weeks. I will likely have the time for once.

And like I said, I bet we'd make pretty good friends.


riding_wildfire December 4 2011, 02:56:01 UTC
I'd love to get together with you if you come out since for once I plan to be here for awhile. After 6 years of falling on my face chasing my dreams I've decided it's finally time to get a real job and go to college. Thinkin seriously about taking a few weeks to hike the Colorado Trail in July before I start at UNC in August though.


supermanz December 4 2011, 06:17:34 UTC
Wait wait waaaait. You are starting at UNC as in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill next August? You do realize I live mere minutes from there, don't you?!?!?!But before that, yeah I've been talking with a friend about doing some sort of high altitude running camp somewhere in Colorado and just go out there and hang out and run mountains and whatnot. How long is the Colorado trail? Maybe I can time my trip so I can do mst of that with you


riding_wildfire December 4 2011, 21:14:25 UTC
No, UNC as in University of Northern Colorado. Sorry to disappoint.

The Colorado Trail is part of the Continental Divide Trail. The Colorado section goes however far it is from the Wyoming-line to the New Mexico-line. Probably three-hundred-some-odd miles, some of which I believe is as far from a road as it's still possible to get in the United States except in Alaska. Colorado kicks so much ass. Except for when you wake up to go to work at 4am and it's 12 degrees out and the five-inch deep puddle you parked in the day before isn't so puddly anymore. At least the neighbors' tree wasn't on my truck.

We are friends on Facebook. I made the Kitty!/chin-bush comment. Hope it didn't offend the shit out of you. :)


supermanz December 5 2011, 02:26:18 UTC
Aw lamesauce! I'll survive, somehow.

That sounds awesome, all of it. I so would do that. So was your car frozen in? That does suck. Partly why I dunno if I'd love moving to Colorado as much as I think I would initially. I mean, I moved to NC because I wanted milder winters.

I realized this as soon as I made that comment. Whoops. I wasn't offended in the slightest. I will be the first to say how godawful ugly that beard made me. I dunno if I'm pretty now, but it's definitely an improvement, being able to see my lips and stuff.


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